Hello Dialog team,
I am working on DA1468x chip with pxp_reporter example. I have created custom ble services to send and receive 20 bytes custom data.
But now I need to increase the size of payload. So, how can I increase the size of MTU size so that we can receive more than 20 bytes approximate 240 bytes if possible.
I see suota receive the 244 bytes in one packet. Can we achieve this length of bytes in one packet? Is there any example code available to take the reference for implementation?
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Jitendraprasad,
In order to receive more than 20 bytes as you have mentioned, I suggest you to use the ble_error_t ble_gap_mtu_size_set(uint16_t mtu_size) function, and set the appropriate mtu_size (240 for your application). Please note that this API function has to be called prior to creating the attribute database of the device. This is because the device configuration is going to be modified, which will result in clearing the current attribute database (if it exists). Also, be aware that the 240 bytes, you will not receive them in one advertising interval.
Regards, PM_Dialog
But, could you please clarify your last statement in above response which is highlighted as below:
"Also, be aware that the 240 bytes, you will not receive them in one advertising interval."
Hi Jitendraprasad,
You are able to receive more than 240 bytes, as I have mention in my previous answer, but if the whole data cannot be received in one advertising/connection interval, then the rest data will be received in the next interval.
Thanks, PM_Dialog