Da14585 Boot From SPI Flash

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Last seen:2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined:2018-11-12 09:19
Da14585 Boot From SPI Flash

Hi we want to boot DA14585 from spi flash; but we confused about uart and spi flash pins. How can write binary to spi flash from uart with rom bootloader? How can we configure uart and spi pins?

In smart snippets application spi pins are; P0_0, P0_3, P0_5; P0_6 and uart pins P0_0/ P0_1 or P0_2 / P0_3 or P0_4 / P0_5 or P0_6 / P0_7 that all uart options overlap with spi pins? Also we use PLT for mass production.

Best Regards.

Last seen:1 hour 11 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ltdev,

Hi ltdev,

Thanks for your question. Could you please indicate the pins that the SPI Flash is connected to your own board?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined:2018-11-12 09:19
Hi; we planned P0_0, P0_3,

Hi; we planned P0_0, P0_3, P0_5; P0_6 for spi pins. But we confused about; how can we flash it over uart? Which can pins use for uart flash?

Last seen:2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined:2018-11-12 09:19
hi we will start board design

hi we will start board design according to your answer.

"we planned P0_0, P0_3, P0_5; P0_6 for spi pins. But we confused about; how can we flash it over uart? Which can pins use for uart flash?"

Last seen:1 hour 11 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ltdev,

Hi ltdev,

Since you are interested in booting from an SPI Flash interface, please take a look at the BootROM Sequence and Table 20: Development Mode Peripheral Pin Mapping from the datasheet.

In our design FTDI is used from USB to UART an vice versa

So, you should concert the USB to UART and the UART pins will be used for the programming.

默认的编程是UART别针P04 and P05.

Do you have any of our Pro-DKs in your hand? If yes, you can use them to program your own board through UART or JTAG.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined:2018-11-12 09:19


we already readed that documents. But we dont find any answer to our questions.

we want to write program file into spi flash over uart. then device on next booting boot from spi flash. Summary; we want to use spi flash in our project and programmed it over uart without secondary bootloader. I hope thats clear.

Last seen:1 hour 11 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ltdev,

Hi ltdev,

Please open the SmartSnippets Toolbox, select the DA14585 Soc and then navigate to the Board Setup. Here you will find the supported pins that are used to program the flash over UART and the supported baud rates. As mentioned before, in our DKs we are using the FTDI as a bridge from USB to UART and vice versa, So, you should just select any of those pairs for the SPI programming. As soon as you press the “Connect” button from the Flash Programmer, the flash_programmer firmware will be executed and will configure the pins properly. The DA14585 is booting from standard spi pins and the secondary bootloader is not required, so please make sure that you have placed the spi flash in the correct pins. Which SPI flash you are planning to use?

Thanks, PM_Dialog