I was trying to program my custom board using Jlink Ultra+ and i got the following error:
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:40] Header records have been removed from hex file ble_app_sleepmode_580.hex.
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:40] Read 20588 bytes from file ble_app_sleepmode_580.hex.
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:43] TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:43] TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:43] RESET was activated.
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:46] RESET was activated.
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:47] RESET was activated.
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:50] RESET was activated.
[ERROR @17-12-04 16:15:51] Could not read memory.
[ERROR @17-12-04 16:15:51] No known chip found while opening JLink connection. Terminating proccess...
[INFO @17-12-04 16:15:51] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.
My guess was that the package was wrong. As the subject says, I'm not able to change the package in the OTP header. It's locked to WLCS34 and I'm using QFN40.
I noticed I could change the .hex with a text editor but I get the next issue:
[ERROR @17-12-04 16:17:25] HexFile Data Record line checksum error (line 30): :047F7000AAAAAAAA0D
[ERROR @17-12-04 16:17:25] Failed importing data from file C:\Users\user\SmartSnippets\Projects\otp_devkit\header1.hex.
The original line it's 047F7000000000000D so I thought if I changed those values I could be right but the last 2 digits are wrong, at least that's was what i thought...
Could you help me out so i can put the package to QFN40?
Hi vrabo,
Dialog recommends the ARM jlink lite for programming the 580, i am not able to suggest any solution or make any recommendation since you are using a different jlink, since all the procedures and tools are tested with that particular jlink. Regarding the package, the OTP header is preprogrammed with the package that actually houses the SoC, so there is no reason in changing this, if you have actually read the OTP header from the SoC that you have connected then the actual package of the device should appear on the "Package Used" field of the OTP (i suppose that since you are unable to connect the Smart Snippets tool promts you with the default value which is a WCSP package). If you try to reprogram that field you will most probably damage the chip.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for the quick answer,
So basically the SmartSnippets doesn´t recognize my board and puts WLCSP package as default.
I already tried using the devkit pro and i have the same issue.
I have the following ports connected to devkit:
I was thinking about this, should i write something in the code to indicate that i'm using SWDIO/SWCLK for burning the OTP?
如果没有,我还有一个devkit pro我可以用来燃烧它。
Hi vrabo,
显然您在智能片段中根本没有连接,当智能片段打开OTP标题时,OTP标题将默认为标准值的几个字段,以连接到所附的设备,您将必须点击连接按钮并读取OTP标题为了实际读取SOC的值。由于您正在尝试通过JTAG连接,因此无需连接P0_4和P0_5引脚(那些是UART相关的)。如果您还尝试使用DEV套件,并且再次无法与电路板连接,这意味着您的PCB或连接线有问题。我没有得到最后一个问题,没有必要“在代码中写一些东西”才能使用自定义值进行编程标题,是的,您可以使用Pro Dev套件来编程您的自定义板上的OTP,请检查所附的图像以获取正确的连接(使用Pro套件的JTAG以便编程基本套件)。
Thanks MT_dialog
I just realied i was using a old version of SmartSnippets, i jsut downloaded the 4.8 version and works pretty good.
Thank you!
Hi vrabo,
Thank you for indicating.