Hi Dialog,
I'm using the peripherals_demo to communicate with an UART-device. Now I would like to use button K1 (P1_6) on the Development-Board (Basic) as GPIO-Interrupt which switches the orange LED on the board (P1_5). I think the hw_wkup_interrupt will be the proper one. Does this Interrupt work in all modes (active, sleep, Extended sleep)?
I can't find any documentation about how to implement an ISR, so can you please help me with it?
If I get it right, the Pin configuration and the Interrupt initialisation should be inserted into the periph_setup() function.
void periph_setup(void)
//Pin config
hw_gpio_set_pin_function(HW_GPIO_PORT_1, HW_GPIO_PIN_6, HW_GPIO_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP, HW_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO); //button K1
hw_gpio_set_pin_function(HW_GPIO_PORT_1, HW_GPIO_PIN_5, HW_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, HW_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO); // LED D2
//Interrupt init
hw_wkup_register_interrupt(wkup_ISR, 1);
hw_wkup_configure_pin(HW_GPIO_PORT_1, HW_GPIO_PIN_6, true, HW_WKUP_PIN_STATE_LOW);
Where should the ISR be implemented? In the first step I just want to activate and deactivate the LED so I can ensure that the Interrupt is working.
static void wkup_ISR(void)
hw_gpio_set_active(HW_GPIO_PORT_1, HW_GPIO_PIN_5); //Switch on LED to screen the functionality
hw_gpio_set_inactive (HW_GPIO_PORT_1 HW_GPIO_PIN_5); //Switch off LED
Thank you!
Hi dx3gerst,
What do you mean "where the ISR should be implemented", in which file ? You can have the code implementation at the main.c file if you would like to. Also dont place the wakeup interrupt setup in the periph_init() (this function is getting invoked in every wake up in order to setup your pins after exiting sleep), you can have a look at the hrp_sensor example in the SDK, the example places in the periph_init() only the configuration for the pins and the setup of the wakeup interrupt is implemented in the prvSetupHardware() function, just after the pm_system_init() which invokes the periph_init().
Thanks MT_dialog
Thank you!