Please mention why ble_advtim_set(uint32 _t value ) api is used in the SDK. What is the default value given ? And please do mention the unit of the argument passed. What will happen if the value 0 is given as argument ?
Hi wisillica,
I dont see any example that uses the ble_advtim_set(), its purpose is to manage the interval between the advertising interval for each channel in each advertising event but its used only in the beacon reference design, the value is in usec and the default value is 1500us. I dont see any reason for doing that, nevertheles as far as i can test If you place a 0 it depends on the advertising that you use, for example if you use undirected advertising the device wont advertise properly (i trust that this has to do with the fact that you should allow some time slot for the Rx radio operation for the scan request), and for non-connectable advertising it will just advertise in the smallest interval between each channel.
Thanks MT_dialog