What are the changes needed for ADXL345 accelerometer (西南的例子:一个I2C acceleromet阅读er and sending notification data) code to make LSM6DS3 accelerometer code.?
What are the changes needed for ADXL345 accelerometer (西南的例子:一个I2C acceleromet阅读er and sending notification data) code to make LSM6DS3 accelerometer code.?
Hi Athul valsan,
As I have already let you know, this software example is based on ADXL345 accelerometer and if you check the source code you will see that there is an appropriate library for this reason, and it is according to ADXL345 datasheet. If you would like to use the LSM6DS3, you should use the library from this accelerometer, import it into the project and the check from the datasheet how to initialize, reading the values etc according to its datasheet. You have not used this accelerometer, so we don’t have any library for this. The implementation is up to you and it’s not straight-forward changes to this project.
Thanks, PM_Dialog