I have a simple setup; an ARM board and a DA14580Devkit-B.
I have successfully booted the DA14580 using UART interface and I was able to advertise data.
However I am not able to go anywhere with SPI. I was able to boot up the DA14580 ic using SPI but since there is no example for SPI-SDK I am kind of stuck. Do you have any SDK which supports external boot from SPI master?
Hi sanket,
Yes, there is an example using two 580, in order to demonstrate the GTL over SPI, the one acts as a external master which will download the fw using SPI interface and then start issuing commands in order for the slave to start advertise, etc. You will be able to find the project in the 580 SDK 5 in the following directory C:\Users\mtzanida\Desktop\DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\projects\host_apps\da1458x\proximity\reporter. There is a #define that you will need to define in order for the master to download the fw as well the #define is the SPI_BOOTER.
Thanks MT_Dialog
Thank you for the reply.
我可以请知道#在哪里defines you mentioned earlier?
Also, you mentioned that "in order for the slave to start advertise, the master needs to start issuing commands" in that particular example. How / Where do I change this behavior as I want my slave DA14850 to advertise on its own when the master ARM MCU has downloaded the firmware to DevKit-B?
Hi sanket,
The defines that i ve mentioned are in the project that i have posted in my previous answer and the file is the da14580_config.h file.
Regarding the second question, what the device would do depends on the application that you download to the 580, the project that demos the downloading through SPI also demos the GTL configuration. So you are going to just take as an example the downloading procedure and not the rest of the project.
Thanks MT_dialog
That did not help much but I managed to boot and advertise the da14850 via external SPI master. I used **\DA1458x_DSPS\v_5.150.2\projects\target_apps\dsps\sps_device\Keil_4\sps_device.uvproj and replaced the uart reservations with spi.
Now I am stuck at how to send and receive data via SPI interface of da14850. Please let me know if there is any sample project in your SDK to do it.
Hi sanket,
I am not able to understand your requirements, if you wish to boot from an SPI master then the booting procedure is described in the AN-B-001 document and an example is located in the SDK in the directory i ve allready mentioned. Interact with the SPI interface is a different subject and there are examples on how to do so (check in the peripheral_examples of the SDK in order to check how to interface with an SPI flash as a 580 master, for setting up and interfacing SPI as a 580 slave then you can have a look at the prox_reporter_ext_spi project in order to check how to setup the hw as an SPI slave).
Thanks MT_dialog