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最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16
problems with Pro Devkit

Hi guys, I've been having endless trouble trying to use the Pro devkit for DA14531. Here's a digikey link to the exact device:


Basically, the USB connection seems to be extremely unstable. LED D4 is always blinking on the PCB, and I can hear the USB connecting and disconnecting constantly.

On a few occasions the board has connected, but then it will suddenly disconnect minutes later for no discernable reason (I don't even have to be near it).

I suspect something is not soldered correctly on the board, or perhaps something is wrong with the on-board power supplies. The USB 5V supply is stable, but the other supplies seem very sketchy, especially the DA14531 buck supply, which is bouncing up and down around 100-200mV.

它不帮助这个德的文档v board are extremely confusing - in fact I have found that many of the diagrams are simply wrong. Moreover different documents show different and contradictory connections for the same tasks. This is the main reason I was unsure for so long of whether the PCB was defective or not.

On one occasion where the USB worked for a while, I managed to get the Blinky code example running. Of course, this was after discovering that the tutorial diagram for 1-wire UART was incorrect, and I had to read the full schematics and figure out the correct wiring for myself.

On the small possibility that准确的documents exist, could you point me towards them?

Obviously I will deal with Digikey to get a fresh and hopefully operational devkit.

加入:2018-02-08 11:03


Happy new year and thanks for posting on our public BLE forums.


So, the main problem is that the USB is connecting and disconnecting constantly? How did you verify it? For example, if you use theSmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for Windows OS, the Dk is being disconnected continuously ?



最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16
I did indeed follow that


The USB stability is the main issue. Every 1-2 seconds, the D4 LED on the board flashes for an instant, and I hear the USB connect/disconnect sound on my PC.


I noticed suspicious things, like the USB would disconnect if I just waved my hand through the air nearby. To me, this indicates a solder joint failure (i.e. a floating input, which detects the electric field from my body). Visual inspection didn't find anything though.

加入:2018-02-08 11:03


Given that the DA14531 is flashed with the Blinky example, it is expected that the D5 LED is blinking continually, as this is the functionality of this peripheral example. It doesn’t mean the USB connection is unstable. According\projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\blinky SDK example, the application is toggling the P0_9. This pins I connected with the D5 LED on the Pro-DK. Please try to erase the SPI flash, and then you will see the LED stops blinking.

After that, I would recommend to flash any of the SDK BLE examples\projects\target_apps\ble_examples.


最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16

LED闪烁是D4LED, which according to your own schematics is the USB indicator.

加入:2018-02-08 11:03


Sorry for the confusion – probably I mis-read it, that’s why I posted for the LED D5. Let me check this out and I’ll get back to you shortly.


最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16
Hi again,

Hi again,

所以我从Digikey获得了一个新的替代devkit,USB现在正常工作。我能够使用SPI Flash进行眨眼,没有问题。

现在我正在尝试使用SmartSnippets工具箱将代码加载到I2C EEPROM上的下一步。

I am precisely following the instructions in AN-B-072 for the I2C setup.

以下是SmartSnippets Toolbox的日志输出:

[INFO EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:27] Firmware File C:\Users\colin\Desktop\SDK_6.0.14.1114\DA145xx_SDK\\config\toolbox_resources/DA1453x/common/flash_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:27] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:27] Started download procedure... [ACTION EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:28] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process. [ERROR EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:35] Timeout: Reset signal not detected for more than 8000 msecs. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:35] Please try again. If problem persists refer to User Manual AN-B-072 (//www.wsdof.com/an-072-booting-from-serial-interface) and check jumper settings. For booting from 2-wire UART (P0_0 and P0_1) see Figure 10. For booting from 1-wire UART P0_5 see Figure 6. [INFO Booter @21-01-21 16:05:35] Successfully disconnected from port COM6. [ERROR EEPROM @21-01-21 16:05:35] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.

当提示时,我按下按钮“SW1 /重置”,但没有任何事情发生,并且在几秒钟后,它会如日志所示。

I have attached some pictures of my setup and a circuit diagram for clarity.

加入:2018-02-08 11:03


The SST does not support any flash capabilities by default. When the “Connect” button is pressed through the tool, a small firmware is downloaded into the DA14531 : flash_programmer_531.bin in case of UART and jtag_programmer_531.bin in case of JTAG.

Both binaries are generated be the\utilities\flash_programmer project of the SDK.

  1. 打开此项目并导航到user_periph_setup.h并打开“配置向导”。从下拉菜单中,选择ST M24M01。然后构建DA14531_UART和DA14531_JTAG的项目。
  2. Copy the generated binaries (Out_uart_531\flash_programmer_531.bin and Out_jtag_531\jtag_programmer_531) and past the in the SST installation folder in the following path :


  1. In the Pro-DK, just o connect the SDA and SCL to P2_3 and P2_4 using jumper cables (without using the P0_3/P0_4).
  2. Open the SST Toolbox :

  1. In case of JTAG mode (Figure 11 inUM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manual (HTML)), the reset is not required, so please follow the documents to connect and burn the EEPROM.
  2. 在UART模式的情况下(图9或10中)UM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manual (HTML))您应该重置功能。要启用它,请使用N-B-072应用笔记如图21所示的紫色和黄色连接。然后,在“SST用户手册”中的“电路板”(图20中)确保选择P0_0,P0_1,57600BD。


Please let us know with the results.


最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16

谢谢你的详细信息instructions, it is greatly appreciated! I feel we are close to making this work. Here's my current status:


[INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:24] Firmware File C:\Users\colin\Desktop\SDK_6.0.14.1114\DA145xx_SDK\\config\toolbox_resources/DA1453x/common/flash_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:24] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:24] Started download procedure... [ACTION EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:25] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:25] Reset detected [INFO Booter @21-01-23 14:36:27] Successfully disconnected from port COM6. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:27] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened. [INFO Booter @21-01-23 14:36:27] Successfully disconnected from port COM6. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:27] Successfully configured EEPROM ports and pins. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:36:27] Successfully downloaded firmware file to the board.

Next, I attempt to "Burn & Verify" the .bin file for the Blinky example:

[info EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:08]复制文件:C:\ users \ colin \ desktop \ da14531二进制\ blinky \ blinky_531.bin到c:\ users \ colin \ appdata \ local \ temp \\Input1.bin。[信息EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:08]从文件C:\ Users \ colin \ appdata \ local \ temp \\ input1.bin中读取3744个字节。[信息EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:17]开始刻录内存,在地址0x00处使用3744个字节的数据。[信息EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:17]与COM6端口的连接已成功打开。[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:24]检查刻录是否成功的同时收到错误消息:00000001. [INFO BOITER @ 21-01-23 14:38:24]成功断开了COM6端口。[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:24]在偏移量0x00处失败写3744字节[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:38:24]刻录内存失败。

I also tried to read the memory using "Read 32KB":

[信息EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:39:19]开始从内存中读取32768个字节。[信息EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:39:20]与COM6端口的连接已成功打开。[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:39:26]从电路板读取时收到的错误消息:00000001. [INFO BOITER @ 21-01-23 14:39:26]成功断开了COM6端口。[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:39:26]错误:从偏移0x00读取16384字节失败[错误EEPROM @ 21-01-23 14:39:26]读取内存失败。

When reading your instructions, I assume this was a typo "In both cases, the SCL and SDA in the SST Board setup should be configured in P0_2 and P0_3.".

I mostly tried to do it with SCL=P0_4 and SDA=P0_3. When I tried it with P0_2 and P0_3 I got the following error which I assume means an incorrect wiring:

[INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:55:14] Started reading 32768 bytes from memory. [INFO EEPROM @21-01-23 14:55:14] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened. [ERROR EEPROM @21-01-23 14:55:24] Timeout while waiting to receive the most significant byte of packet length (10000 msecs) [INFO Booter @21-01-23 14:55:24] Successfully disconnected from port COM6. [ERROR EEPROM @21-01-23 14:55:24] Error: Failed reading 16384 bytes from offset 0x00 [ERROR EEPROM @21-01-23 14:55:24] Failed reading memory.


I have again attached pics of my current setup.

最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16
I have noticed a suspicious

我已经注意到了一个可疑点...有时当我做“连接”时,我不需要按“SW1 /重置”按钮。它刚刚立即说“重置检测到”。我想知道这是否是正常行为?

我还尝试在EEPROM面包板上交换SDA / SCL连接,以防我向后倒退。我完全相同的错误“00000001”。所以我猜这个错误表明一般的I2C失败?

Do I need to provide pull-up resistors on the I2C bus, like on the breadboard?

最后一次露面:2months 2 weeks ago
加入:2020-12-14 16:16
YES! I finally got it working

YES! I finally got it working!

So it turns out Idid需要提供外部对SDA / sci引体向上。雅高集团ding to the datasheet, DA14531 has internal 25k pullups but these were not strong enough. I put my own 3.9k pullups on the lines, and now everything works.

I have attached before/after pics from my oscilloscope for the I2C bus.

So, I have 1 final question. After doing "Burn & Verify", I had to unplug+replug the USB to get the DA14531 bootloader to run and load the program from the EEPROM. I would prefer not to replugging the USB all the time.

Is there a way to reset the DA14531 in software, so that the bootloader will run? Without physically messing with the board?

I did try pushing the SW1/RESET button after Burn&Verify and it didn't do anything (did not cause the bootloader to run).

加入:2018-02-08 11:03


You should be able to reset the Pro-Dk by pressing the SW1/RESET push button. If this does not reset the chip, please check if the HW reset functionality is disabled in the firmware - GPIO_Disable_HW_Reset(). If yes, please comment this out.