Hi Dialog,
We are using the DA14583 in a smart button and currently have a custom power management circuit that shuts down the DA14583 completely.
The down side is that we are unable to "catch" fast clicks (input signal duration 50 - 200ms). We guess this is due to the boot sequence of the DA14583.
We have also considered using the extended sleep mode but are concerned about power consumption.
The button should run on a CR2016 for at least a year. Is this possible using the extended sleep mode?
What is the power consumption in extended sleep mode?
Can we read inputs with a signal duration of 50 - 200ms while in extended sleep mode?
Greetings Vincenzo
Hi vincenzo.urbisaglia,
580年consumes about 1.4uA when in extended sleep mode, regarding the 583 you should expect a bit more since there is an extra flash and when in power down mode (of the flash) the power consumption should be around 2uA. Regarding how long this can operate under a specific battery this depends on the usage of the device (sleep/awake/advertising/connected) and the capacity of the battery.
As far as the wake up procedure is concern, yes the wake up timer can trigger the device to wake up with pulses between 50-200ms (the wake up counter has also a configurable debounce mechanism) while the device is in extended sleep mode, since the device is operating and the fw is allready in the device so there is no OTP copy or flash copy with on this case (OTP copy is only applied in deep sleep mode and the 583 doesn't support deep sleep mode).
Thanks MT_dialog
Many thanks for your help. Can you please explain what you mean by
"when in power down mode (of the flash) the power consumption should be around 2uA"
Best regards Vincenzo
Hi vincenzo,
In order for the flash not consume a serious amount of power when it is not used (read/write etc) the fw should place it in low power mode, but even in that mode the flash still consumes some amount of energy, so you wont be able to reach the power consumption of a 580 (the version without the flash).
Thanks MT_dialog