I have a question about registers (BLE_xxx in \DA1458x_SDK_5.0.4\DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\sdk\platform\include\datasheet.h).
For example :
#define BLE_RWBTLECNTL_REG (0x40000000) /* BLE Control register */ (datasheet.h line 1642)
But I can not find detail descriptions for BLE_RWBTLECNTL_REG in DA14580 datasheet, Why & How ?
We do not document a lot of the BLE registers are these should not be accessed by application code, only by the BLE stack.
You should be able to implement any BLE functionality you require using the API's we provide without having to access the BLE registers directly. If you can share what you are trying to acheive then we can suggest the appropriate API's to look at.
Best regards
Thank you for your warm answer, i got it.
I just want to know the theory of BLE module deeply.