Hi everyone,
我们刚刚完成了我们设备的第一个原型,并准备从子板切换到我们自己的硬件。unfortunatey,我们在编程外部闪光灯方面运行。使用SmartSnippets Toolbox,我们可以通过QSPI连接到设备,但我们无法从闪光灯读取数据或写入它。
The QSPI VDD IO is supplied with 3.3V, and the jumper for the voltage selection has been set for 3 V.
我增刊ose that its a 681, so what kind of flash is attached ? I suppose that its not like the one used by default in the SDK since all three of theam are 1.8V ? Since you use a Quad SPI flash that is not supported from the SDK you will need to implement the drivers of that particular flash according to the readme file in the sdk/memory/readme.md file. After that you will need to add the new driver in the uartboot.bin (the uartboot.bin operates in automode) rebuild the cli_programmer (which will rebuild the uartboot.bin and include the uartboot.bin in the cli_programmer). After that you will need to replace the default uartboot.bin file in the SS Toolbox (so you will have to take the uartboot.bin file that implements the new flash driver and paste it to the \DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources). Regarding the fact that you are not able to read the partition table (i suppose that you are trying to do that via Smart Snippets Toolbox) what kind of error the Smart Snippets promts ? If the flash is empty, there will be no partition to read since the fw generates the partition table as soon as the SDK starts up. The V33 is always on, so there is no need for special handling in order to be enabled.
It has not caused any changes, it acts like I can read from the QSPI memory, but everything reads 0. When tryint to program, I get the following error message:
[info qspi flash @ 18-02-28 09:29:47]验证写入QSPI地址0x0失败。重试......
I have also tried setting AUTO_DETECT to 1, unfortunately no difference.
Yes, you will have to add the support of the new flash in the uartboot.bin file. The uartboot.bin file is the only file that supports the automatic mode dgconfigFLASH_AUTODETECT, and you should leave it this way. The uartboot.bin is the file that will be downloaded into the sysram of the 681 and will communicate with the cli_programmer in order to interact with the flash. So after you have attached the new flash in the SDK (place the new include header file under the other flash header files in the qspi_automode.c under the condition #if FLASH_AUTODETECT == 1 and then you should add the &flash_custom_config in the flash_config_table). By using the above configurations (defining dg_configFLASH_DEVICE_TYPE etc) the uartboot.bin will be able to interact only with the defined flash. The configurations that you have mentioned should be applied only to your project. Re - building the cli - programmer should build the uartboot.bin, if you delete the generated folders from the uartboot project or change a project configuration, they should be re-created when building the cli_programmer and you should see the timestamp changing. In the case of the SS tool and interacting with the flash what you need is a uartboot.bin file that has your flash, the project will go through the available flash drivers and interact with your flash properly (also the flash that you are using looks quite the same with the default). Have you tried using the scripts in order to interact with the flash and check if you are able to download fw ? There is an issue with the SS toolbox and operates the flash in quad mode, if the flash is new and the QE bit is not set then SS will not be able to interact with the flash, try to operate the flash with the scripts (the QE bit then should then be set and you will be able to interact with Smart Snippets as well). The V33 is always active on the device so there is no need to for additional sw configuration.
After deleting the uartboot.bin file, it is recreated when the cli_programmer project is built.
Copying the file to the common_resources folder and using the SS tool has not relolved the issue however. I have tried using the scripts from within Smart Snippets Studio (Link on the menu bar), but that also hasn't worked. Should the scripts be executed directly under Windows, at the command line? I have tried this also, but with no success. What would be the procedure for this?
Thank you,
是的,如果您有一个工作板和闪存的有效闪存驱动程序,那么要刻录闪存,您可以在文档指示指示时直接从菜单栏运行脚本,或者您可以使用CLI接口运行CLI_Programmer(哪个脚本是否自动化CLI过程并调用CLI程序员)。您还将找到关于如何刻录Flash I的文档im-b-047 getting.pdf,也可以在UM-B-044软件平台参考文献中找到CLI指南.PDF在附录B上。