Module - Panasonic

PAN1740 two Device communication

Thu, 2015-09-03 09:15--tiftoda


I have two PAN1740 USB modules.

1. With Keil 5 in first module I'm uploading "proximity\monitor_ext_usb" project and in second module "proximity\reporter_ext_usb".
2. I'm running:
——二进制文件\ \ windows \ proximity\monitor with COM port where is connected the "monitor_ext_usb" module
——二进制文件\ \ windows \ proximity\reporter with COM port where is connected "reporter_ext_usb" module

Real-time data acquisition

Sat, 2015-08-29 17:14--marcodg

I've been trying to get real-time data acquisition to run on my panasonic 1740. My client is a Windows 10 PC that I have written some software for. I have not been able to achieve a 3k byte/second transfer rate. The problem after much gnashing and grinding of teeth (and getting a sniffer running so I could see the actual transmission packets) is that my Windows client is not responding with it's half of the conversation (an empty PMU) quickly enough in many instances. This is backing up the queue on my device and causing it to fill and overrun.

Panasonic PAN1740 (Dialog DA-14580) related question

Thu, 2015-08-20 14:53--ngchinping

Dear Dialog Team,

Good Day.

I would like to request support in getting the following request.

FYI. I am using Panasonic PAN1740 BLE Module & Dialog Development Kit (Pro)

1. I come across a project description namely: Dialog Serial Port Service (DSPS), I would like to request the project sample code as well as the documentation(that explain how DSPS code is written).

2. Using DSPS code, please advice :

I2C in Beacon Reference Design

Thu, 2015-08-20 00:08--Krutarth

I want to use a Sensor with I2C interface along with the beacon. I am working with Beacon reference design as my starting point. Although whenever i try to configure pins for i2c bus the beacon stops advertising for unknown reasons. The only change that i have made in the Beacon Reference design is in the periph_setup.c in the function set_pad where peripheral pins are assigned for beacon reference design. The changes made are:
//Code Snippet start
void set_pad_functions(void) // set gpio port function mode

Cannot Detect PAN1740 in UART/SPI mode with Smart Snippets

星期四,2015-07-16 19:29凡--Krutarth

Hi ,
I have two questions:
< 1 >当我得到一个错误n i start Smart Snippets "FTDI Driver's installation is not valid. ftd2xx.dll could not be found in folder C:\Windows\System32." I am not sure whether this is related to the problem that i have described in my next question.

<2>I am not able to detect PAN1740 module in UART/SPI mode in Smart Snippets which is essential to use power profiler. However I am able to detect in UART only or JTAG only mode and also program via those modes.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Thanks and Regards,


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