
regarding the advertisement to have 255 bytes payload

Wed, 2020-10-28 16:21--liuluan002

Hi Dialog,

I am trying to check how to make the advertisement package payload as 255 bytes instead of only 26 bytes for the dynamic data. do you have any guides for that?

I have read your tutorial for the Advertising Concept Tutorialhttp://lpccs-docs.dialog-semiconductor.com/da1469x_advertising_concept/i...

DA14699 大資料傳輸

Wed, 2020-10-28 03:46--kuo41006


想要使用DA14699 開發類似智能手環的產品

想請問如果要使用藍芽對手環做資料更新,要如何使用呢? 有兩個更新要做

1. DA14699 FW 更新

2. 傳輸大資料進入手環 EX. 照片, 聲音, 影像 等等


目前在跑範例, da1469x_ble_custom_service_sample_code

確實可以讓 14699 與多個手機裝置同時連線

如果要讓14699只與一個手機裝置連線要跑哪個_sample_code ?

SPI or I2C 的 LCD 請問有 sample_code 可以參考嗎?




Tue, 2020-10-27 13:33--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

I wanted to measure time precisely when a peripheral is advertising, how much it takes to be detected by the central device and how much time it takes to be connected with the central device once detected. I am aware of the Smartsnippets toolbox for power measurements. I tried using this as a first step to get an idea about the measurements. But I am unable to reproduce exactly what was shown here

low level drivers for Cryptographic engines

Sun, 2020-10-25 12:36--prasanna

Hello Diaolog,

we want to implement MbedTLS library for secuirty features. I wanted to ask are there any low level drivers that are available in the sdk for the DA14695 USB kit already for crypto functions? Also, are there any documents that might be useful for including the security libraries like MbedTLS for our applications?

Thanks in advance.



How much data can we write into our custom characteristics

Thu, 2020-10-22 14:09--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

I am having custom service and its characteristics created for our application. Could you tell me what is the limit of the data that we can write into our custom characteristics and how can we decide on the limitation? In the DA1469x_custom_service example the characteristic attribute value was defined as 50 bytes maximum. "#define CHARACTERISTIC_ATTR_VALUE_MAX_BYTES (50)". So, how we know that what is the maximum data that we can write into our custom characteristics.

Thanks in advance.



Executing the DA14695 ble_peripheral and ble_central examples simultaneously

Thu, 2020-10-22 10:00--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

1) I am using the DA14695 USB development boards for exchange of data between them. I tried executing the ble_peripheral and the ble_central examples present in the

SDK_10.0.10.118/projects/dk_apps/features/ folder. I can build both of them without any issues as of now. I can see the ble_peripheral while scanning through my smart phone app. But, I am not understanding how to check the ble_central example output. I mean how can I check whether the ble_central is receiving any near by devices. I have seen the screenshot outputs from the thread


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