
Connection index parameter in the api functions

Tue, 2020-11-17 07:29--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

1. Could you explain what exactly is the connection index (Conn_idx) used in many api functions in the sdk? Is it something like an index value when two BLE devices form a connection? For example in the ble_suota_client.c, there is this function with parameters "ble_l2cap_send(peer_info.conn_idx, peer_info.scid, len, data_ptr);" what are the connection index (conn_idx) and the source channel identifier (scid), length values that are exactly passed into this function?

Set random Bluetooth Mac address

星期一,2020-11-16 12:00--Subramanyan


I am using WiRa SDK 10.440.8.6 with a Dialog 14695 Dev Kit.

I would like to change the Bluetooth address randomly after each connection.

I am generating a new Mac Id randomly and setting it using ble_gap_address_set (). But, I dont see any change to the Bluetooth Mac address when I discover using a Bluetooth App like LightBlue.

Let me know the correct method to change the Bluetooth Mac address.

Thanks and Regards,


How to Enable XBF fonts in the external QSPI Flash ?

Mon, 2020-11-09 03:21--songshuwp

Hello Dialog:

I 'm using the DA14695 Pro Kit for developing a LCD display project by utilizing the emwin lib. There appears two errors as follow:

(1)section `.text' will not fit in region `ROM' (2)region `ROM' overflowed by 45296 bytes

By search on this forums, i found this similar issue below:


Setting the transmission power

Sun, 2020-11-08 14:03--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

I am using the DA14695 USB stick and I wanted to set the transmission power during advertisement and change it once the connection is established. I have used the function in the sdk, "ble_gap_tx_power_set(GAP_AIR_OP_ADV, GAP_TX_POWER_MINUS_18_dBm);". But, I am not understanding how to verify the power that I have set is working in the BLE scanning app. Could you suggest me how to check this feature whether its working or not?

Also, are there any documents available to study about the SDK 10.0.10?

Thanks in advance.




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