
BLE 5 and AoA

Mon, 2020-08-24 10:47--helgardm

Good day,

I would like to get started on a project involving the AoA location feature of BLE 5.1

Would you kindly point me in the right direction regarding:

  • Documentation (not regarding the technology as a whole but rather how it applies in your ecosystem)
  • Any example firmware if available
  • Ideal devopment kit required

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


WiRa range support

Mon, 2020-08-17 02:17--leison

Hi Guys

I am working on your new device: 14695 DK board for ranging development on the SDK version@WiRa_10.440.8.6. and I want to output the raw data IQ data from both 2 devices: iniator / responder . then to estimate the distance between these 2 device :

so as to output these 2 device end raw IQ data and seperate them which datas are from iniator ? responser? my operation is as following:

1. switch to "host_apps" and edit the PP_data in this diectory file " dte_IQ_data_anaylyzer.py" then print out to IQ.txt file .

DA14695 Sleep mode configuration issue

Fri, 2020-08-14 19:42--Manishkumar Bante

How Do I configure and put my device into sleep mode ( extended ) and wakeup via GPIO trigger in WiRa SDK Social Distancing example .

I am using WiRa 10.440.8.6 SDK for DA14695 USB kit and used below APKs , but not able to understand whether the device is acutally going into sleep mode or not .



DA1469x 的烧录工具?

Thu, 2020-08-13 02:52--eric_fan


我们目前使用DA1469x USB DK做评估工作 (SDK,目前使用Smart Snippets studio可以正常烧录并且运行。


1) 如果日后需要将hex档给测试人员之类的第三方烧录,请问可以使用什么工具?可使用J-Link J-Flash Lite之类的工具烧录吗?

2) 如果需量产烧录,有批次烧录工具吗 (使用命令列方式batch烧录,以减少工时)?


BLE and APU coexistense problem

Sun, 2020-08-09 11:02--aectaan

Hi Dialog,

Found strange thing: there is no possibility of coexistence BLE and APU: when audio processing unit runs, BLE is unable to work.

When my device work without audio processing, it looks ok: advertising works, connection establishes as usual, all fine.

当我开始APU任务、连接与0 x1f休息error (BLE_HCI_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR). Also, in case APU started before connection establishment, I don't see any advertising data in my nRF connect.

Best Regards,

Egor Markov

How to use DA1469X pro kit mother board to debug target board

Fri, 2020-08-07 05:05--jlzheng

Hi, Dialog,

We use da14695 db on our targrt design, so need to connect pro kit mb to 14695 db with SWD lines. We connect db J4 to mb J3, using P0_11 as swdclk, P0_10 as swdio, but failed, the message is "Could not connect to target. Please check power, connection and settings."

How can I get it work?


JL Zheng

Social distancing example hardware timer not running

Thu, 2020-08-06 20:01--jagath52


I am using social distancing tag example with Wira sdk.

I created a timer which give intrrupt every 1 minutes and i tested it with gpio handling example by creating a seperate task which runs when timer isr handler gives the signal.

The same task i tried with social distancing example but in this whole application is not running

void _timer_init(void)
timer_config cfg = {
.clk_src = HW_TIMER_CLK_SRC_INT,
.prescaler = 0,

cli programmer error cannot open serial port

Wed, 2020-08-05 11:51--jagath52


I am using dialog 1469 usb development kit and not able to program or use cli_programmer.exe for writing data. Device is connected in com3 port. Any procedure is there for

writing data with cli_programmer.exe

What is the procedure for writing data with cli_programmer.exe

目前设备使用jta编程g through USB can cli_programmer.exe be used to write data in same port.

Decrease SPI CS timing on DA14695?

Wed, 2020-08-05 11:41--eric_fan


I'm new on Dialog, and I using DA14695 & USB DK to studing sample code (SDK version:, WIRA 10.440.8.6).

I tried to use the SPI module and recorded the SPI waveform with LA, and found that the CS pin took too long.

My SPI speed is 4MHz, CLK timing about 0.25us / bit, but it took nearly 90us for CS to go from low to hi...

Timing chart like:

CS pin low ---------- wait 40us ---------- 9-bit data (total 3us) ---------- wait 40us ---------- CS pin high


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