
Increase sampling frequency of sensors in DA14583

Mon, 2019-07-29 04:55--meeralaxmi


I'm using the Android IoT Sensors App to connect and record sensor data from the DA14583 module. I'm obtaining the sensor data at 10Hz sampling frequency. I understand that both accelerometer and gyroscope are supported till 100Hz frequency. Is there a way I can increase the sampling rate of these sensors programatically from the android source code? I think by default the app uses 'Sensor Fusion' and samples sensors at 10Hz. Would be of great help if you could give some pointers on where in the source code can the sampling rate be changed.



关于 DA14583 HRPS

Fri, 2019-07-19 09:50--zhongfushun



void app_hrps_meas_send(uint16_t hrp_val)
// Add BASS in the database
struct hrps_meas_send_req * req = KE_MSG_ALLOC(HRPS_MEAS_SEND_REQ, TASK_HRPS,
TASK_APP, hrps_meas_send_req);

LiPo battery read

Wed, 2019-07-10 08:36--Rajapurerohit

Hello dialog_Support,

我正在研究项目,我的设备使用DA14583 MCU和软件设计,使得使用BLE命令它已打开/关闭LED。

But my hardware is powered using Chargerable LiPo battery, whenever battery low i can recharge the battery for this i need to give an indication to user.

To monitor the battery level i need a provison in my software where i could check the battery level using timer.

I have referred the Battery driver library as example but i could only see provision for read the coin cell and AAA cell battery level.

DA14583 RAM memory check

Fri, 2019-06-14 10:58--karanshah28

Dear support team,

We are using DA14583 based custom board and developing our custom application.
We have used ble_all_in_one example code as our base code and modifying it as per requirements. And now we are facing random crashing issue which seems to be due to the RAM, i.e. may be we used full RAM size and we are trying to utilize more memory and due to that system is getting crash.

Require makefile for compiling using GNU toolchain for DA14583

Tue, 2019-06-11 10:38--karanshah28

Hi Dialog Team,

你能请提供我们Makefile,583.lds, 583.lds.S and other required files for compiling the ble-all-in-one application using gnu toolchain "arm-none-eabi-". We are using linux Ubuntu host machine.

We could only find makefile generation steps for da14580... Can you provide same steps for da14853 to compile application using gnu toolchain.

Thanks, Karan

Unique Device Name by adding bluetooth address as suffix

Sat, 2019-06-01 19:28--karanshah28


I am currently writing the firmware of one of our products that will be produced in mass market, and my goal is to have a unique BLE device name for every board.

Is it possible to get name as for example : "DA14583ABCDPQRSXYAA", "DA14583ABCDPQJKLMAA" where "AB:CD:PQ:RS:XY:AA" and "AB:CD:PQ:JK:LM:AA" can be considered device mac address.

Appreciate the help.




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