
Free fall detection

Wed, 2017-07-26 17:28--mhd munzer

Hello everyone!
I am trying to implement a free fall detector using the IOT sensor, I want the any motion detection to be replaced by the free fall detection interrupt.
I tried and tried but it keeps not working, and here is my code :
in user sensor.c :

void user_bmi160_config_low-g_intr( void ) {



Synchronization problem for accelerometer and gyroscope when using Evothing framework

Wed, 2017-07-26 05:19--Elvis1991

Experimental Setup: I use Huawei smartphone for Central and DA14583 IoT sensor as peripheral. The software running on the smartphone is an app using Evothing framework. I would like to read acceleration and angular velocity at the same time to do the motion capture.
Sensor's firmaware: IoT raw project.
Sample rate for accelerometer and gyroscope: 50Hz.
The code on the central device using Evothing is as follows:
//Received data
app.handleSensorAccelerometer = function (data) {
data["time"] = Date.now();

No connection received.

Tue, 2017-07-25 17:43--insi

I having problem connecting two devices.

Dev1 (slave) is sending advertisement containing data which I want to retrieve on Dev2 (Central).

Dev1 seems fine and sending regularily without any issue and its advertisement is reached on dev2 at call app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set. I want to connect to the device and as I understand I call app_easy_gap_start_connection_to_set. And eventually after canceling the scanning the call app_easy_gap_start_connection_to is made.

Install tools and SDK504 Keil/GCC

Mon, 2017-07-24 08:39--roland


Maybe I missed a document and the things below can be ignored, but I think it would be helpful to have a document of setting up the toolchain and updates and the possible mixing of Keil and GCC tools.

So maybe I'm asking for things that are obvious...

我最近尝试使用最新版本安装工具/软件/ IDE,但是我有点困惑。上面有适当的升级/安装手册吗?

Spi Flash example not working on DA14583

SAT,2017-07-22 12:55--Niekvdd

Hi All,

No question here just wanted to inform anybody else that is having the same issue as I did, since I already found a workaround.

The problem I had was that the flash was not correctly written to, even though I used the SPI_Flash example, without any changes made. Reading the flash only gave me zeros (everything was 0x00).
However when I made the following changes, it worked.

In spi_flash.c , the snippet below generates the error.

hex2bin 工具生成bin文件异常

Fri, 2017-07-21 07:24--wuhanpin

我使用你们发给我的,hex2bin工具,无论是windows7 平台 还是 ubuntu平台的 hex2bin 都无法生成正确的 bin文件。

sam@sam:/tmp/up$ ls
amome_1_583.hex amome_2_583.hex
sam@sam:/tmp/up$ ls -l
总用量 180
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 90228 7月 21 14:14 amome_1_583.hex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 87167 7月 21 14:13 amome_2_583.hex
sam@sam:/tmp/up$ hex2bin amome_1_583.hex
hex2bin v2.3, Copyright (C) 2016 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Connection Error when connecting Teclast-TPad X80H with Evothing Viewer to IoT Sensor

Wed, 2017-07-19 04:34--Elvis1991

Hi All,

Experimental Setup: I tested the Evothings viewer with the tablet Teclast-TPad X80H. The firmware that I used in IoT Sensor is

Problems: I found a Connection error 133 when trying to connect the IOT sensor.
However, when I using Huawei, it works properly.

Questions: Could you please give me some hints why this happened and how to modify the code on the IoT sensor?

Best Regards,


订阅RSS- DA14583