
DA1453 IoT Sensor Dongle communication with other Bluetooth device

Mon, 2017-09-11 07:17--vishnuatdialog

Dear Dialog,
I want to know some information about DA14583 IoT Sensor Dongle
Can this module connect with another module which is having the same version of Bluetooth(4.2)? If so how this communication will happen? Which way should we code this module to establish communication with another external Bluetooth module?
If you are having any reference code for connecting these modules please share with us.
Thank you


Thu, 2017-09-07 10:49--Rajapurerohit

Hello Dialog_Support,

I have designed my own custom using DA14583 and to load firmware i have used SPI pins P2_0-SPI_SCLK,
P2_3-SPI_EN,P2_4-SPI_DO and P2_9-SPI_DI and i have connected VCC_FLASH pin to VCC pin.
But when i tried to burn .hex file using SmartSnippet Studio i get the log saying
Press the hardware REST button to download code.
Even after pressing REST button i am not able to download the .hex file into my custom board always get ERROR

ERROR is REST button time out fail to burn spi_flash programmer

flash address 0x1E000 access while using secondary bootloader

Wed, 2017-09-06 10:10--Ankit


I am using the secondary bootloader and my application resides in flash memory. Bootloader header is located at the default location ( 0x1F000 ). I have some application related data, that I am storing at 0x1E000 location in external flash memory. Sometimes I found that my application data is being over written at address 0x1E000. I am sure that my application is not writing any garbage data at that address. So, I want to confirm that is secondary bootloader or BLE stack access 0x1E000 address for own use?


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