
10 second auto-wakeup

Fri, 2018-12-14 23:38--abarangan

On the DA14580, we have been using deep sleep and a wakeup mechanism that relies on a level transition on a GPIO. This has worked very well and reliably. Recently, we wanted to incorporate an additional feature that requires a timed wakeup every 1-3 minutes. This is achieved by putting the device into deep sleep mode just prior to setting a timer using app_easy_timer. This is working generally as expected however I'm noticing that every 10 seconds the device wakes up on its own very briefly and goes back to sleep.

OTP BD Address write with cli_programmer in windows

Fri, 2018-12-14 20:17--dlo

I'm working on generating a script for manufacturing of DA14580 beacons.

I would like to program BD address to OTP using the CLI tool. Is this the correct command?

cli_programmer -i 57600 COM4 0x7FD4 2 0x03020100 0x00000504

Will this write BD address 00:01:02:03:04:05 to the correct OTP BD address field at address 0x7FD4?

Also, I found the CLI programmer reference in UM-B-044 Appendix B in the software platform reference for the DA1468x. I couldn't locate the same software platform reference in UM-B-051of the DA1458x. Is there a specific one for the DA1458x?

da14580在extend sleep模式下不工作

Fri, 2018-12-14 09:37--liufeng-blue

这边需要flash存储当前的设备名称、设备mac地址以及设备密钥,以便做修改,发现flash无法对变量进行存储,应该是我的使用方式不对,能告诉我如何在extend sleep模式下使用flash吗,另外我发现,在存储绑定信息当中,当flash无法工作的时候,我调用bond_db_store_ext()后,设备自动断开连接,应该是flash没有正常工作造成的吧,我把这句频闭后就能正常连接了。
void spi_flash_peripheral_init(void)
spi_FLASH_CS_Pad.pin = SPI_CS_PIN;
spi_FLASH_CS_Pad.port = SPI_GPIO_PORT;
// Enable SPI & SPI FLASH


Creating more Characteristics

Fri, 2018-12-14 07:45--moritz.schnaufer


I have created 2 services with 30 characteristics. When I want to add a third service I'm just able to create 24 charakteristics. When I create more the third service is displayed as empty. I already checked if there might be some syntax error. When I try to create two different charakteristics (for the 24th and 23rd characteristic) the problem is reproduced. I don't get any errors from the compiler. The Board isn't stuck in some function it seems to work fine. What can I do increase the number of characteristics?

Flash doesn't work in extend sleep mode

Fri, 2018-12-14 07:42--liufeng-blue

我用dsp演示,我发现flash is not work. i am trying to save the device's bond information.when i use bond_db_store_ext(),the device will be disconnected.
i hope you can help me to use the flash.i set da14580 in extend sleep mode.can you tell me that how to use flash in extend mode.

here is the program:

void spi_flash_peripheral_init(void)
spi_FLASH_CS_Pad.pin = SPI_CS_PIN;
spi_FLASH_CS_Pad.port = SPI_GPIO_PORT;
// Enable SPI & SPI FLASH


Thu, 2018-12-13 21:46--rajshah

Hello Dialog team

I am working on DA14680 chip, example code pxp_reporter. My questions, how we can connect device in directed mode?
Do we need bonding process for it? If yes then how we can do bonding process?
I have read UM-B-044 document and also looked into ble_usbhid_device code. but I didn't get much information.
Simply device should be advertising as a directed mode and specific phone can listen advertising packet.

Any help will be appreciated.



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