

Fri, 2019-01-25 07:26--Aaron Li

我用的 是SDK5.0.3, ble_app_profile project, 在user_profile.c文件的void user_app_init(void)函数中使用了app_easy_timer()函数,但这个timer的回调函数不能被触发。请问app_easy_timer()这个函数的调用有什么特殊要求吗?
另外已经确认我的程序本身应该没有问题,因为换到void user_app_adv_start(void)中调用就可以触发了。

How does the DA14580 act as a host to initiate pairing requests and save data and enable link encryption?

Thu, 2019-01-24 12:23--Dionysus

How does the DA14580 act as a host to initiate pairing requests and save data and enable link encryption? I tested in the official sps_host routine that app_easy_security_request() could not successfully issue a pairing request. After the function call, I used Dongle to capture the packet and found that the DA14580 did not issue a pairing request.

Does the DA14580 do the relevant routines for the host to issue a pairing request?


Wed, 2019-01-23 12:36--Dionysus




我配对成功以后,如何使能LE Encryption?是否有相关的代码呢?

recommended SMA connector for DA14580ATDB-P

Tue, 2019-01-22 04:15--nabilahderes

Hi Dialog member,

Could you please share what is the recommended SMA connector (manufacturer and part number) for daughter board DA14580ATDB-P?
I prefer to have SMA connector that fit with the daughter board hole.
I could not found in any document mention about it.



Fri, 2019-01-18 14:41--Aaron Li

我用的 是SDK5.0.3, ble_app_profile project, 在user_profile.c文件的void user_app_init(void)函数中使用了app_easy_timer()函数,但这个timer的回调函数不能被触发。请问app_easy_timer()这个函数的调用有什么特殊要求吗?
另外已经确认我的程序本身应该没有问题,因为换到void user_app_adv_start(void)中调用就可以触发了。

Problem with DEVKIT-B

Thu, 2019-01-17 21:02--esprudzs

Dear Dialog,

I have successfully installed CodeLess on the basic devkit - at least Keil thingy says so. Despite this, I cannot see a new bluetooth device showing up on my computer or phone and when I connect a terminal application to the module, I get the module sending endless row of [00] with some [FF] in between. I have tried sending '@', 'AT' etc. to the module, but with no success. I have also tried to re-set the jumpers to UART from the strange mode described in 'Getting started with CodeLess' which includes a 'three way jumper' not included with the kit with no success.

DA7212 Simultaneous Operation of AUX IN and Speaker Output

Wed, 2019-01-16 14:08--Kinjan Patel


I have an application which requires simultaneous operation of both AUX input (Microphone input) and Speaker output.
Can you confirm if both auxiliary input Left/Right and Speaker Output can work simultaneously with single DA7212 chipset?
Meaning "Recording and Playback should be simultaneous".



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