
SLG59M1440V Startup Glitching

Tue, 2019-04-16 01:41--phunter9


I am driving a SLG59M1440V with 3.3V rail on D/Vin, and transitioning from 0V to 3.3V driven through an 86.6K resistor to the ON pin.

I observe the S/Vout ramping up to approximately 3V before falling with an RC decay to nearly 0.5V. This cycle occurs a random number of times before the output ramps successfully up to 3.3V and stays.

Programming OTP without SmartSnippets

Mon, 2019-04-15 16:20--steven.mcgrath

Hi everyone,

This might be a basic question, but is there any way to access and program the OTP region without using the SmartSnippets tools. I have tried accessing and modifying the OPTC_MODE_REG as well as the SYS_CTRL_REG with no success. I am using my own custom setup to connect to the chip using T_TMS (SWDIO) and T_TCK (SWCLK) and am able to modify the data located in SRAM. Is there a specific setting in one of the registers that will allow me to access OPTC_MODE_REG and SYS_CTRL_REG? A register unlock of some sort.

Thank you.

Standalone ICP with 232-18-A?

Fri, 2019-04-12 14:06--jmcgarvey.d3eng...

Is it possible to store a PMIC configuration (specifically for DA9063) in the 232-18-A ICP board, so that it will auto load the target PMIC without connection to a PC?

If not, is the source code for the SAM3U available, so that I can modify it for standalone configuration?

I want to deploy a number of development boards without permanently programming the PMICs, so updates are possible.

DA7212 correct values for reserved bits in I2C registers

Wed, 2019-04-10 14:34--thgu


I am trying to get some I2C communication with DA7212 up and running. I have come over some anomalies when it comes to the reserved bits. Could you help me to find out if what I read is right or wrong? If it is right then it is good, it means that the I2C communication is OK. If what I read is wrong then I have to check the code and do some troubleshooting

What I have found so far:

Register adr 0x23, bits [7:6] should be 10 according to the datasheet, but I read 00.

DA7212 I2S word length

Wed, 2019-04-10 14:16--thgu


I am working at DA7212 and I2S data. I have set DAI_WORD_LENGTH to 24-bits, but for me it seems like the DOUT is "only" 23-bit. The same happens if I set the length to 16-bits, the DOUT data seems to be 15-bits. I have attached a screenshot showing the I2S data. Yellow=BCLK, red=WCLK, blue=DOUT. Is it rigth that the DOUT is only 23-bits or am I missing something?


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