
unique id for organisation and public address for da14580

Sat, 2019-08-10 12:53--paramvir.in@gma...

Hi all

i want to know how we can get unique id for our organization (both paid and free options).

what is process of getting public addresses for each ble da14580 assembled device to burn it in them.

what are the prerequisites for production purpose?


Why Cannot my DA14580 boot form EEPROM?

Fri, 2019-08-02 08:47--shezhe9

Dear Dialog
I was design a product boot from EEPROM,and refer to AN-B-001,The IIC(eeprom) was connect to DA14580's P0-4,P0-5.(SDA:P0-5;SCL:P0-4).

when I promgramed the code to EEPROM with SmartSnippets Toolbox v5.0.8,and concept use EEPROM as bootable devece.

the Promgram is sucessed . But the device not work as my code,and also the device not in the rst-sate.
Can you tell me where is my fault?


Mon, 2019-07-29 15:05--Aaron Li

我用的是DA14580, SDK5.0.3,ble_app_profile project。程序里初始 最小和最大间隔分别为10ms和20ms,我想降低功耗同时保障通信可靠。请问有没有推荐的常用连接间隔的值?如果要修改连接间隔的话,下面两个函数里面的最小和最大值都要调整吗?谢谢支持


Mon, 2019-07-29 14:48--Aaron Li

我用的是DA14580, SDK5.0.3,ble_app_profile project。

1. 如果要修改广播间隔是否只需修改下面intv的值即可?是否还有广播间隔的最大值和最小值需要调整?如果有的话在哪里修改?

2. 有时用lightblue连接时会失败,提示interrogating timeout。请问如何进一步改进呢?


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