Can you tell me the detailed description for the various “xx” variants of the DA9062-xx please?
i.e. do you have a table with all the off the shelf variants listed and their default output voltages please?
Can you tell me the detailed description for the various “xx” variants of the DA9062-xx please?
i.e. do you have a table with all the off the shelf variants listed and their default output voltages please?
after some problems with the programming of our first DA9062 our Zynq borad work well since month!
So we decided to go with the DA9062 also with our next boards. That was the reason to make a Socket-Board. So we can pre-programm and test our DA9062 and when it works fine we can use this chips in our production. We use the same schematic for our Socket-board that we also use for our previouse zynq-board.
but with the Socket-board we have a big problem:
When I design the schematc and PCB board, I don't know that what Jtag can I use. Can you give me some specific model type of Jtag that can be used for AD14580. It will be better that you can provide the footprint (Altium designer) of it as well
连接是我们我们的Jtag的pdf文件ed now, but for the Jtag board the mcu in the middle is ATMEG16, I am not sure whether this Jtag can be used to download codes for the AD14580
Dear Dialog,
we've created a version of the BLE software where we start in the peripheral role and advertise. When I connect to the device via LightBlue, I can see the battery server, suota server services.
Upon a button press, I intermittently change the role to observer (via GAPM_RESET_CMD and app_configuration_func) and scan for a while before returning to peripheral role (via GAPM_RESET_CMD and app_configuration_func) and start advertising again. I simply followed a couple of threads where you explained how it should be done.
We have built a product that uses a DA14580 connected to an audio DSP using I2C. The DA14580 operates in BOOST mode. It runs a modified version of the SPS service in peripheral role.
I want to control BLE radio i mean turn on of BLE connectivity.
where i can control the radio(advtising) in SDK.some flag responsible for that
please help me in these context
Hi Dialog,
我用DA14580 BASIC 开发板评估系统功耗,软件是SDK 5.04 sleep 例程;
当软件设置为 ext_sleep 和 deep_sleep 时,在线仿真时功耗均为400uA左右;
download 到 flash 运行时,功耗维持在2.5mA左右。
请问 正常在flash中运行时,两种睡眠模式功耗应为多少?以及需要进行哪些配置?
在DA1458x_SDK_5.0.4中,SDK 5.0.4\DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\projects\host_apps\windows下的上位机工程是如何打开的?目前用VS2015打开但编译不过。
We are using the GPIO pins of a SLG46826 as outputs to drive the gates of 2 FETs. We are currently investigating which FETs to select, and if the SLG46826 is suitable to drive the gates within 1 or a few nanoseconds. In order to do so, we would like to know the drive strength of a single GPIO pin. The SLG46826 datasheet does not seem to provide this information, or am I overlooking something? Alternatively, the rise and fall time for a 300 pF load would be very interesting to know.