

结婚,2019-10-09 04:47--liyang

我的主板上面的工作流程:DA14580作为从机与另一个型号的单片机进行串口通讯,DA14580由外部上升沿电平触发唤醒后接收串口数据。接收完数据后进入休眠。外部主机每隔1s对DA14580进行一次唤醒并以9600波特率发送8个字节的数据。之后DA14580进入extend sleep 模式。

我用多个样机进行测试的时候,发现串口通讯5分钟左右后,DA14580的功耗不再动态的变化而是维持在400ua左右。 跟踪发现用于定时使DA14580进入extend sleep 模式的软件定时器被杀死了(失效了),导致了DA14580没进入extend sleep 模式,此时DA14580功能还是正常的。进一步跟踪发现其他所有软件定时器也都失效了。




Tue, 2019-10-08 14:57--intretech_XM




DA9062 non-blank updating OTP

Mon, 2019-10-07 15:24--arjan


I want to make minor modifications to the DA9062-10AM. I hooked up a I2C master and am able to read/write registers, however not persistently.

The TP is nicely supplied with 7v6. Is it possible to modify OTP of a non-blank part, or can it be locked for this?

I also noticed that read register values differ w.r.t. TP being 0v at startup, why is this?

Using smart-canvas/commander tools and dedicated programmer boards evaluating on blank parts seems a bit of an overkill for my situation.

Thank you in advance,


DA9062 Still in Production?

Thu, 2019-10-03 07:16--farangutan1956

My apologies for asking a crass commercial question in a technical support forum. For more than two months, I have been trying to contact my local sales office concerning the availability of the DA9062-10AM1 (this is the Xilinx Zynq specific part). No one has answered my calls or emails. This is my last attempt before giving up entirely.

I have a few questions:

1. Is the DA9062-10AM1 sttill available? If so, how long remain it remain in production.

BLE Scanner apps not connecting to device

Thu, 2019-10-03 06:55--MarkDsylva_2277


I ran the ble examples peripheral application in debug mode. I am running BLE scanner app on my samsung galaxy on7 ( Android 6.00) and Asus (Android 9.00).

On both the phones i can see the advertising information. My samsung phone is able to connect and discover the services on the da14580 device but my Asus phones does not connect at all.

I even tried writing my own android app. When I run it on my samsung phones it is able to connect but my asus phone shows Gatt 133 error.

Any ideas?




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