
Crystal problems

Fri, 2015-05-08 02:42--laurijamsa


We tried to use Epson TSX-3225 series crystal, but it didn't work. Load capacitance is 9pF - is that the only reason why it didn't work?

We need to select a good and cheap crystal which works -40C to +85C. Can you help with that? We changed the crystal to Abracon and seems that it started to oscillate.


Timer interrupts on DSPS

Thu, 2015-05-07 15:22--Kostakis

Hi Dialog.
我成功的广告ded a timer0 interrupt on DSPS device project. Every time the timer creates an interrupt, i read data from spi and then data are added into uart to ble buffer in order to send them via bluetooth. The timer interrupt handler is described below.

void SWTIM_Handler(void)



void readMcp3004(void)

Best way to stream data using serial port service

Wed, 2015-05-06 22:04--JBaczuk

I've gone through the code for the serial port service, and since it is set up with pointers that are shared between UART and SPS, I'm not sure the best way to send data from the app to a mobile device. For example, I'd like to send ASCII values from sensors periodically, but what is the best way to do this using the example code, should I be allocating my own pointers in memory and then calling app_uart_push()? Maybe a couple lines example code would help. Thanks!

ISR for gpio never excuted

Wed, 2015-05-06 17:28--kurbylee

void ext_wakeup_enable(uint32_t port, uint32_t pin, uint8_t polarity)
rwip_env.ext_wakeup_enable = 2;
if ( polarity == 0 ) // active low
GPIO_ConfigurePin((GPIO_PORT) port, (GPIO_PIN) pin, INPUT_PULLUP, PID_GPIO, false ); // active low. Set default to input high.
else // active high
GPIO_ConfigurePin( (GPIO_PORT) port, (GPIO_PIN) pin, INPUT_PULLDOWN, PID_GPIO, false ); // active high. Set default to input low.

Debug proximity example

Wed, 2015-05-06 15:46--xixixihaha

Dear Sir/Madam,
I tried to run prox_reporter on the basic kit compatible board.
I used Keil's debug menu to run the code. To my surprise, the monitor can't find it. Looks like the advertisement is stopped.
I burned the code into the flash of the board. After the reset, the monitor can scan and connect to the prox_reporter without any issue.

Why does the JLink debug has the different behaviour compare to execution from flash?



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