
Booting from external SPI master issue

Mon, 2015-06-01 12:57--Ashwin Rao


I am able to load code @startup using UART but unable to load the same from external SPI master.

I am using CPOL = 0 , CPHA = 0 and a clock of 330 kHz. The CS line is held logic low the whole time without any toggling.

I am using 0 as mode byte ( Byte nr = 6)
I get the Preamble ACK and Length ACK (0x2) at Byte nr. 3 and 6 as expected. But I get a value 0x7F at Byte nr. 8 .

how could I use AD14580 to develop some BLE applications

Mon, 2015-06-01 07:52--12ycli

Recently I was using AD14580 to develop some BLE applications.Now I met some problems.I can't get any development.
At first,I learned some periphrals,such as timer,spi.They works well.Then I run some BLE examples on DA14580.They also works.But I can't understand the software architecture even I read some pdf file like UM-B-015_DA14580 Software architecture v4.0 or UM-B-003 Software Development Guide 1.4 for several days.
Now I only know a little about RW,profile.I prepare to read some books about BLE to see whether it can become better .

How to update the software over the air (SUOTA) with the SmartSnippets ?

Mon, 2015-06-01 03:41--Bean


I recently doing SUOTA, use a DA14580 device that external SPI FLASH as SUOTA Initiato, and the SmartSnippets v3.6. I have the following problems:

1.How to open the SmartSnippets with UART/SPI mode?Is the use of DA14580 Dongle?

2.Now I open the SmartSnippets with UART mode,but in "Establish Connection using DA14580-01/DA14581", there are two tips:

A. SEGGER J-Link V4.72-Emulator selection: no emulators connected via USB. Do you want to connect a J-Link via TCP/IP instead?

Beginner Looking for Sample Code

Sun, 2015-05-31 15:00--saleem145


I want to be able to control some GPIO pins on my dev board using an iPhone and / or Android phone. When the user clicks a button on the app, the GPIO should go high. Where can I find some sample code to look at --

1. Ideally it would have code that runs on DA14580.

But the second is not required. As long as I have code that runs on DA14580 and a way to test it that would be great!



Read Indication

Sun, 2015-05-31 10:05--Anonymous (not verified)

Dear all,

I am wondering how to get an indication in my profile when the other device (such as a tablet) reads one of the profile's characteristics. The profile which I use is in server mode (like proximity reporter profile).
I have already handled GATTC_RD_CMD, GATTC_READ_IND and GATTC_EVENT_IND messages to receive the indication I want. However, non of these works when I read one of the profile's characteristic in the tablet application.
Can anybody help?


how to extend useful space for adding a third library to my app

Fri, 2015-05-29 17:28--kurbylee

In my app,I have to use a third party library(A_cm0.lib),the lib file size is about 28K.
After add the lib file to a exist keil project ,I compile the project(proximary),and I get msg from build output window as below:
No space in execution regions with .ANY selector ......

I browse the scatter file ,but it is too complicated to me.
任何one can tell me how to solve it?

ADC configuration for DC measurements

Fri, 2015-05-29 15:57--icujba

Would like to know the recommend ADC configuration for correct and stable DC measurements with SDK

Based on the information available in "UM-B-004 DA14580_581 Peripheral Drivers_v1.4.pdf" and "DA14580_DS_v3.1.pdf" my configuration currently looks like this:


For transmitting SPI data with precisely same clock timing

Fri, 2015-05-29 13:46--taniwaki

I found below paraprarh in DA14580 datasheet.
1 = The SPI has high priority, DMA request signals remain
active until the FIFOS are filled/emptied, so the DMA holds
the AHB bus.
But I do not clearly understand about this meanings.
If application send data whose size is more than FIFO TX buffer,I worry that timing of SPI transmission may be disrupted when ble event occurred,because interruption of BLE is higher priority than SPI.

I would like to transmit SPI data with precisely same clock timing.


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