
Waking up by BLE

Mon, 2015-06-29 16:35--Rony

This was supposed to be a dispensable device used for one night and then thrown away.
Marketing wants us to provide it for multiple uses.
How can we "turn on" the device when the Android app sends a "start" command and put it to deep sleep when we get a "stop" command?.

Advertising without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests.

SAT,2015-06-27 15:26--oren.

Is it possible to advertise without listening for scan-requests and connection-requests?


Adding serial number to DISS profile

Fri, 2015-06-26 22:35--marcodg

The app_diss_task.c functiondiss_create_db_cfm_handler()that comes with the SDK does not include code to set the serial number. So I figured I would add it because we need it. So, I added some boiler plate code along with the other snippets that look a lot like this one.

But my client code doesn't see a serial number, nor does it show up on BlueLoupe (although I don't know if it ignores the serial number). I should add that my message does get dispatched to the task and the DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ message does get executed without error.

beacon demo stops

Fri, 2015-06-26 10:24--DrNick1

I'm trying to run the beacon demo program 3.40.6 in Keil 5
Everything seems to work ok - compiles, can enter debug mode, and then it can run.

However, my sniffer shows that it then only sends 20 messages (which are received ok) and them it stops. No more messages are received and I have to unplug the board to get control back. I guess this means its going to sleep and never waking up?

Any idea how I can check whats going on? I havn't altered the code in any way. Is there a setting that says send 20 messages and then stop?

Execute code from OTP?

Thu, 2015-06-25 16:03--Joacimwe

I see that OTP is memory mapped when the OTP clock is enabled. Is it theoretically possible to execute code directly from OTP without mirroring it to RAM first? That would mean we could have some code in flash/eeprom (that is copied to RAM) and some code on the OTP to make it possible to have a larger code base than what fits into the 50 kB RAM.
If so, what are the downsides (if any)?

Can the host_proxm_sdk software be use at linux?

Thu, 2015-06-25 13:11--ByungeonJeong


I have a question about host_proxm_sdk sample code based on windows.
Really , This project is very good in order to windows platform.
But, We must be ported this software to the embedded linux.
I'm wondering whether host_proxm_sdk ported in embedded linux is compiled or GTL environment could be used in there.

* Embedded linux(host_proxm_sdk ) <--GTL(uart)--> monitor_fe |---air---| repoter_fe

Why state of the dest_id is NOT APP_CONNECTABLE for the second device connection!?

Thu, 2015-06-25 12:53--Anonymous (not verified)

Dear Dialog,
I am trying to connect two or more peripherals to one central. Connecting with the first one is always okay and I can discover its service and the characteristics. However, I cannot enable my profile through function "app_connection_func" in handler "gapc_connection_req_ind_handler" which is called after connecting to the second device. I know that it is because that following conditional statement which says that the state of this dest_id is already set to APP_CONNECTABLE :

if (ke_state_get(dest_id) == APP_CONNECTABLE)


Thu, 2015-06-25 10:51--libra_13179


When I see patch_code folder had some questions about some obj file.[Path :.. \ software&tools \ Software Development Kit \ DA14580_581_583_SDK_3 0.10.1 \ dk_apps \ patch_code]
I want to know what these obj in case need to be added to the project

路径为\software&tools\Software Development Kit\DA14580_581_583_SDK_3.0.10.1\dk_apps\patch_code



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