Fri,2015-07-17 09:33--anthony42


  • how to add Write Dev Name and Read Ori Dev Name Characteristic
  • why Write Dev Name and Read Ori Dev Name use same index ?


    Thu, 2015-07-16 20:53--Joacimwe

    Hi. I have some heavy calculations to do while having an established ble connection. I notice that the link tears down because the cpu is busy doing my work instead of handling connection events. Instead of (recursively) call rwip_schedule every now and then to hopefully serve the events on time, I wonder if it's possible to activate some interrupt instead to take care of the the ble events.

    Thu, 2015-07-16 02:52--libra_13179

    hi dialog
    I read “Bluetooth Low Energy The Developer-'s Handbook"
    7.5. Finding Devices
    A device uses the advertising channel to find another device, with one device advertising and another
    device scanning, as illustrated in Figure 7–17. There are four types of advertising that can be
    performed by devices: general, directed, nonconnectable, and discoverable.

    Wed, 2015-07-15 16:44--dudi_g


    Can you please tell me what is the GPIOs state immediately after giving the DA14580 voltage supply? In our FW code we define all of the GPIOs as "Input", but we notice it takes the DA14580 some time to stabilize and that in that time the GPIOs state is unclear(I think output "0"- when I connect a GPIO to pull up of 3V- I see it foes down to 0.6V for 3 seconds). I have to mention that our DA14580 uses EEPROM using I2C pins, and that maybe in this time the GPIOs state are configured wrong.
