

Thu, 2015-09-10 22:18--Krutarth

Hi Dialog,
Is there a way possible to read 16 bits via I2C between a single start and stop condition? In your current SDK I2C drivers one does not have any control over when a start and stop condition is issued. I have a sensor sending 16 bits of data but i can only receive 8 bits since da14580 issues a stop condition on the I2C bus before all the 16 bits are transferred.

Thanks and Regards,

Changing advertising packet length

Thu, 2015-09-10 18:13--DrNick1

In the Beacon 3.40.6 example, can you tell me the easy way to change the advertising packet length? Or more generally, how is the packet length controlled within the software

For example, I see a data structure in nvds.c which I could vary, but its not a simple as just changing the first byte of .NVDS_TAG_APP_BLE_ADV_DATA to say how many bytes follow and then adding those bytes in the following lines, as this breaks the code.
Are there other settings I need to modify?

How to optimize the power consumption of example 'empty_peripheral_template'

Thu, 2015-09-10 13:10--hardy.chen


I would like to start our application based on example 'empty_peripheral_template'.
But, after doing the comparison of power consumption with example 'da14580_beacon_3.40.6', I found that there is extra 2.x mA at 'empty_peripheral_template'.
(Note: I've set the corresponding configuration for allowing empty_peripheral_template running into EXT_SLEEP mode)

So, is there anyone can comment where to optimize the power consumption of this example 'empty_peripheral_template' down to the same level as 'da14580_beacon_3.40.6'?

DSPS demo software

Thu, 2015-09-10 08:24--yterasaki

Dear Dialog,

I have already confirmed the DSPS demo works with following configuration.
PC(teraterm)-USB-JLINK <-Target_A -> - Android(DSPS)
where target A board send ADC sampling data both to PC via UART and to Android via BLE conection.

Relating to this, I'd like to ask if I can do following demo or not.
Target_A -> -USB dongle-USB- PC(teraterm)
I think some special FW to handle conection with target A will be necessary for USB dongle. Do you have?

Best Regards,


Wed, 2015-09-09 02:12--apogostin

Hello Dialog Forum. Have a question. Does the DA14580 SWDIO pin require a pull-up resistor when attached to the J-link SWDIO line? The J-Link documentation states that one is required and that ARM recommends a 100K pull-up. Please see the "J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001)" documentation at segger.com (page 347, table 12.3). I've got it working without this pull-up, but want to make sure I won't run into stability issues without this pull-up.

Thanks much,


Direct advertising

星期二,2015-09-08 14:34--pnndra

Hi all,
I implemented a central profile using as starting point the DSPS project (I am not sure if SDK is 3.0.8 or 3.0.10). With this code when i start the scan i can receive the message GAPM_ADV_REPORT_IND and then the advertising data of peripherals which are advertising in undirected mode, but i cannot receive the advertising data of peripherals which are in direct advertising mode. My app_scanning function is the same of the original project:



星期二,2015-09-08 08:52--tiftoda


How can I initialize UART on SDK 5 ?

I tried to define CFG_PRINTF in da1458x_config_basic.h but when I try to compile I get those errors:

.\out_580\ble_app_peripheral_580.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol uart2_finish_transfers (referred from arch_console.o).
.\out_580\ble_app_peripheral_580.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol uart2_write (referred from arch_console.o).
.\out_580\ble_app_peripheral_580.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol uart2_init (referred from user_periph_setup.o).


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