
How to send notification?

Fri, 2015-11-06 18:28--ben.stickrod@bi...

I am wanting to send a notification with a specified set of data (not necessarily the data in the characteristic).

Is this the correct way to send a notification? Things do not seem to be working correctly. The notification works when I use prf_server_send_event, but if I am updating the characterisitc rapidly, I get multiples of the same data, not individual notifications with unique data.

Power Profile On Hardware

Fri, 2015-11-06 16:22--scourfield

Hello Dialog,

We have produced our hardware using the DA14580 and we are looking to measure the peak current using Power Profiler in Smart Snippets. We can measure the current ok using the Pro Development Kit in UART/SPI mode.

For the our hardware we are using an FTDI module UMFT230XA for Com port and can connect and program the firmware in UART Mode (so UART side works ok). We selecting UART/SPI mode using our hardware in Smart Snippets to use Power Profiler the Com port is not present. On our JTag port we have VBAT, UART TX, RX, SWDIO, SWCLK, RST and GND.

Document for programming the OTP with DA14580DEV-KIT-PRO?

Fri, 2015-11-06 11:08--ChrisHab


where can I find the document on how to program the DA14581 chip with a DA14580DEV-KIT-PRO?

I have an external circuit board with a DA1481 placed on it. I want to program this chip with a modified version of the proximity reporter.

The following pins are connected:
1. RST
4. GND
5. VBAT_580

Adv packet change with keeping advertising

Fri, 2015-11-06 00:06--yterasaki

Dear Dialog,

I'm now using Beacon reference code (3.40.6) and I'd like to change the part of adv packet without stopping
advertising. Could you tell me how to access the BLE resource which is reflected to adv packet?
Currently adv interval is 100mS and I plan to implement this modification in the app_resume_from_sleep().

Best Regards,

Generating I2C STOP & RESTART Signals.

Thu, 2015-11-05 15:03--kartikkg

I am using the da14570_ds_v3-1.pdf datasheet to develop a driver for an I2C slave device. The slave device requires the sequence
START -STOP to Write into its registers &
START STOP to Read from its registers.
I couldn't find how to generate START, STOP & RESTART signals . How can I do the same? I've looked into EEPROM driver provided in the SDK but it doesn't say anything about generating these bits. Are there any configuration or programming sequences to generate these bits?


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