
Quick start, wireless I/O switching

Tue, 2016-01-19 10:59--nicolas.calmelet

Hello everyone,

I need to develop a project with a DA14580 chip. I'm using Panasonic PAN1740 modules which are very compact and have got an integrated antenna.
My goal, at first, is to demonstrate a really simple BLE communication.

I’ve got two devices, one acting as a “peripheral”, and one as a “central”, both powered by a battery. The central device is always checking for incoming data.

Keil uVision constantly crashing

Tue, 2016-01-19 09:38--gcblair


I find that when going into debug mode, uVision crashes 1/2 times. I asked Keil and they don't know what could be the problem. It only happens with Dialog devices.

I saw this this :http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/installation-problem-um-b014-ste...
but in the PDF it tells you to install a pack that doesn't seem to exist any more. For the device under options for target I have chosen ARMCM0 - is this correct?

Any help would be appreciated


How to use SPI Flash memory?

Tue, 2016-01-19 03:49--songinsok

I use a mother board MURATA P2ML3078.(daughter board is DA14580)

I want to use SPI flash memory, but P2ML3078 doesn't have Winbond SPI Flash memory(W25X20CLUXIG).

In Dialog document "5. Hardware configuration of the external memory" , use a External memory reference design( in Figure 3. U2 W25X20CLUXIG).

If I don't have external memory reference design, can not I use this board(P2ML3078) on flash memory?

How to program da14580

Mon, 2016-01-18 14:46--mshayan27

I am very much confused about this chip programming
I still don't know how to program DA14580
I am developing a beacon product based on da14580 i have the PCB with the following programming pins
I HAVE PLACED an external battery to power up the ic
now how the IC can be detected in smart snippet?
How can i read its spi flash and ic details so that i can say ic is detecting and working and programmable!!

Question about ADC .

Mon, 2016-01-18 06:34--Stone_wang

Hi Dialog ,
I am use SDK: 3.0.6
The attatch file xx.jpg is my schematic diagram and the battery (form 0.9v - 1.45v) information ,
I want to use the battery serves :
I have question about get ADC sample . I add code like this :

adc_init(GP_ADC_SE, GP_ADC_SIGN);
adc_sample = adc_get_sample();

And I get Some Value :
Voltage Value
1.283V adc_sample = 355
1.319V adc_sample = 363
1.552V adc_sample = 431
1.272V adc_sample = 350

step by step guidelines of programming OTP

Sun, 2016-01-17 02:07--achao1104


I am going to use my custom board (like your dev kit) to burn OTP of my device. (my project), could you please provide a detailed guideline, include:
1) how to connect the pins between the custom board and my device.
2)如何使用智能片段(我已经成功完成lly burned the image and header of the otp in custom board).
3) what is the codes/config change I have to make before burning into OTP.
4) if I have successfully burned the OTP, can I still boot from such as flash or eeprom or sram(downloading via jtag)?

above for sdk5.0


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