
Device not SUOTA capable - not detected in SmartSnippets

Tue, 2016-02-02 04:41--JBaczuk

I added the SPOTAR service to my project as outlined in the app docs and I have verified that my device indeed advertises that service and all its characteristics, however neither of the SUOTA mobile apps nor SmartSnippets detect that it is SUOTA capable. I ran the example using Proximity Reporter and it works fine. I am hoping to get the mobile app code for the two platforms to see how it detects whether the device is SUOTA capable, and how it writes the new firmware. Thanks,

HRPC : how to retreive the heart rate value ?

莫n, 2016-02-01 14:47--s.miermont


I want to use DA14580 to connect to an of the shelve heart rate sensor and get its data.

Starting from the sps example, I'm able to connect to the belt.
I added the hrpc functionnality by adding the relevant define in the config header file.
Walking thru the code, I can see that the hrpc_init() function is automatically called by prf_init_func().

I sent HRPC_ENABLE_REQ message to the hprc task.

SOLVED: sed problem in uvproj2Makefile (on OSX)

Sun, 2016-01-31 15:49--Kazuki Yamamoto


I am trying to convert secondary bootloader project into GCC+Makefile. For this I found uvproj2Makefile util script but having problem with sed command in the script.
Finally I found sed pattern seems not good enough to cover uvproj file structure but I am not sed specialist, so cannot mod it by myself.
I only searched about the first error and seems all errors caused from one reason.

Shell environment is Mac OSX and default bash, SDK is 5.0.3(cannot select from dropdown!).

DA14580 as a master : connexion stage

Thu, 2016-01-28 13:30--s.miermont


I'm trying to initiate a connexion from a DA14580 to another BLE device.

I started from the barebone project and modified the user_app_init() function like this:

void user_app_init( void )
// Initialize Manufacturer Specific Data
default_app_on_init ();

struct gapm_start_connection_cmd connect;
connect.nb_peers = 1;

image crc or encryption problem after OTA

Thu, 2016-01-28 09:44--mohit3112

i just opted bootloader in da14850 and it boots from eeprom just fine . but when i OTA the device after rebooting bootloder is getting an error in following code

if ( (image1_encryption && !AES_ENCRYPTED_IMAGE_SUPPORTED)
|| crc_image1 != crc32(0,(uint8_t*)SYSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS, codesize1))
return -1;

what did i miss ? how to debug this issue ?


How to connect 3 da14580 together using DSPS (or other suitable profile)?

星期四,2016-01-28 02:52--Fernando Effting


I would like to know from you what is the best alternative in order for me to accomplish the following needs:

There will be 3 DA14580 (PAN1740) based devices communicating with each other.
The first one will be the main device, which will be sending data to a second device (a display), and it will also be receiving data from a third device (a sensor).

I have been able to communicate two of them, the main device and the sensor, using the DSPS. But this profile only supports two connected devices simultaneously.

High Throughput that is device agnostic.

Wed, 2016-01-27 20:09--medelman

In my use case I need to provide the highest throughput that the BLE spec safely allows yet has to be agnostic to which type of hardware device is on the client side. Our current implementation uses a bluetooth classic chipset to transmit data using serial, tftp and ppp services to another device. The data is sent as individual files that are approximately 20-30k a piece. A prototype board we spun uses the da14580 and I was able to download a custom fully hosted image via SPI to the board, but I am now looking at how to transfer data via BLE in the most efficient way possible.


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