
About the current

Mon, 2016-02-15 11:00--huangliangyu

HI,my DA14580 module only use UART:TX,RX,VCC and GND.now it work,the TX voltage 4.1V, RX=VCC is 3.3V.if measure current as(AN-B-015_DA14580_Current_Measurement, motherboard measurement in J13,use SmartSnippets.exe measure),the broadcast current is 10UA when broadcase time 1.5S. BUT if use multimeter series connection the VCC,current is -0.2MA;when series connection the TX,current is 2.6MA.why the current difference so great.and which methods is right?thank you very much.


Sun, 2016-02-14 14:13--drumste

Hi. I have a question.
If i use, in a custom board, a 16MHz Crystal that respect the specifications but is different from the 16MHz Crystal used in the basic dev board, when I use the DSPS or the HID mouse firmware, I have to change the trimming value or other xtal16m registers or something in software, or I can use firmwares without problems?
The firmware is storage in and loaded from, an external flash mem.

Sleep mode and wake up using button

Sun, 2016-02-14 08:44--gcblair


In our product, we would like that after it has not been touched for a certain time that it will go into a low power mode and that a button can wake it up to resume normal operation.
We also have a task that runs all the time, so during normal operation low power mode is not required - we will just need to detect if the product hasn't been used for more than 10 minutes as it could be left on for a long time without use

Boot from i2c EEPROM requires hard reset in DSPS

Fri, 2016-02-12 16:28--behzad

I use the DSPS code for my custom board that boots from EEPROM. There is no reset button on my custom board and eveytime the i2c booting is finished, the app does not run until I connect the developemtboard and press the reset button on it.
Other firmware e.g. Peripheral_setup does not have this problem and runs when I connect the battery.
我怎样才能解决这个问题呢?有什么在d的吗a14580_config.h that is stopping the app to run until a hard reset is done?
thank you.

Hardfault during SUOTA start function

Wed, 2016-02-10 23:29--JBaczuk

I've added the SPOTAR profile to my custom project and made sure the advertising data contains the correct values for the device to be detected in the SUOTA apps. When booting from EEPROM, trying to upload new firmware via SUOTA crashes my device. I've tried debugging in Keil by uploading the image that is normally stored in Bank 1 in the eeprom and when I try to send new firmware from the SUOTA app to my device, it crashes with a hardfault at this line: spota_state.status_ind_func( SPOTAR_START ); I'm not sure where to go from here to debug.

The entire function is here:


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