

Sat, 2016-04-16 10:21--z20121202038

1)在task A下创建多个定时器,分别属于TASK A , TASK B , TASK C,比如:
ke_timer_set(APP_A_TIMER, TASK_A, 500);
ke_timer_set(APP_B_TIMER, TASK_B, 500);
ke_timer_set(APP_C_TIMER, TASK_C, 500);
然后,这三个定时器的定时器处理函数都发在task A的文件下,这样有问题吗?

ke_timer_set(APP_ABC_TIMER, TASK_ONE, 500);
当TASK_ONE进入disable状态后,即使在程序中执行 ke_timer_set(APP_ABC_TIMER, TASK_ONE, 500);,5s之后仍然不会执行定时器处理函数app_abc_timer_handle?


DSPS Device Code J-Link Error

Fri, 2016-04-15 18:25--imalamoud


I am trying to run an updated (from version 3) DSPS code v 5.150.2 on the PAN1740 board in Keil uVision 4

The code compiles fine and does not start in debugger with the messages below.

On the other hand the code 3.150.2 runs in the same debugger, same board without a problem.

Can you please help me?

Running with Code Size Limit: 32K
Set JLink Project File to "O:\DSPS_5\DA1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2\DA1458x_DSPS\v_5.150.2\projects\target_apps\dsps\sps_device\Keil_4\JLinkSettings.ini"* JLink Info: Device "CORTEX-M0" selected (0 KB flash, 0 KB RAM).

Issue with app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_get_active()

Fri, 2016-04-15 15:44--ankitdaf


我想更新the value of a characteristic when UART data is received. I am building on top of ble_app_barebone example, and modifying the long val of custs1 profile.

I have implemented uart2_read_completion_cb(uint8_t status) to trigger the update (with notification).

Flashing External Memory,OTP and SRAM

Fri, 2016-04-15 12:57--Karthikeyan S

Dear Sir,
I have following connections
External SPI flash is connected in following pins

SPI_CLK - P0_0
SPI_CS - P0_3
SPI_DO - P0_5
SPI_DI - P0_6

JTAG is connected in following Pins and made as standard 10X2 JTAG connector,
Three Pins SWDIO ,SWCLK and RST are taken from JTAG Connector and connected Processor SWD pins, remaining pins are connected as standard JTAG connection

Program DA14580 OTP memory issues

Fri, 2016-04-15 06:53--Zhangkui

I want to burn my application into the OTP,but when i open SmartSnippets v3.9 OTP Programmer, and try to import the newly compiled hex file,SmartSnippets don't load the hex file ,and don't have any prompt,in my code i define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG to 0,
#define DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 0 //0: code at OTP, 1: code via JTAG
i find if
#定义DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG 1 / / 0:代码OTP, 1: code via JTAG

Iot sensor kit range

Fri, 2016-04-15 02:37--prasanth.velliy...

We have tested IoT Sensor board with andriod app. It works upto 5 meters range in line of sight.

We are designing custom board with da14580 but we expect range upto 30 meters in line of sight. We planned to provide SMA type antenna connector on board.

So my question is what will be the range covered
1. if we do not connect RF cable to SMA connector and no external antenna i.e. only SMA connector will be assembled on board?
2. With RF cable connected to SMA and external antenna to it?

about the scanner

Thu, 2016-04-14 15:28--liuluan002

Hi Dialog,

I am trying to create a scanner for scanning the broadcasting package from the air in each period 3s. But in the beginning I try to set the listening time as the 3 seconds, if I got the package I want in the first 500ms.
Do you know how to stop the scanning before 3s scanning is finished?
Do you know how to apply the sleep in this case? Since When I apply the sleep into the code, it will stop and stuck. I guess it is related with scanning.

I found if do this the system will stop running. Is there any suggestion for this?

Programming Voltage VPP

Thu, 2016-04-14 14:04--Karthikeyan S

Dear Sir,
In IoT Sensor Development there is VPP which needs 6.8V for OTP Programming from where it get supplied. If we see all other board like DA146580/DA14583 Dev Kit PRO and Basic, there is DC-DC converter which will generate 6.8V for VPP so in IoT sensor Kit from where 6.8 V is getting generated. I think it is coming from the JTAG Connector, Is it so. Please let me know which JTAG Connector is providing 6.8V.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Ext processor read Bluetooth Address from DA14580 over GTL?

Thu, 2016-04-14 08:09--abremen

Dear support,

We are developing an automated test system. We are using our DA14580 in ext_processor mode, communicating with our external uC via GTL over UART. Please advise, how can our external processor read the Bluetooth Device Address from the Bluetooth module?

Our external processor (main processor) provides a command-line interface to our PC based test software. This software needs to be able to retrieve the address (we plan to include a CLI command "btaddress") so that the PC can auto-connect with the Bluetooth module.


Thu, 2016-04-14 02:44--z20121202038


* @param[in] sign :0 = Default, GP_ADC_SIGN(0x0400) = Conversion with opposite sign at
input and output to cancel out the internal offset of the ADC and
adc_init(uint16_t mode, uint16_t sign, uint16_t attn )



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