
DSPS Central - obtain Peripheral device name using GAPM_SCAN_ACTIVE

Wed, 2016-05-04 23:20--MSun

I am making a small modification to the working DSPS Central application, based on SDK5 to allow it to report back to my application the scanned peripheral device names during scanning.

Before making modifications, I used the Connection Manager application to first verify I can report this information from my (DSPS) peripheral device.

Production line tool reset instead of power cycle?

Wed, 2016-05-04 12:51--Dave.Renzo

I have run into a problem with production line tool, during final production of our circuit, a battery will already be attached and there will be no way to power cycle the DA14580 to load the programming firmware. Is it possible to have the PLT assert resets instead of relying on power on resets for the programming process?


Wed, 2016-05-04 12:15--prasanth.velliy...

How to add the timer0 interrupt into the DSPS, sps_device project , what all are the changes that i have to do ?Please provide the example code for delay using timer0 interrupt, for DSPS , sps_device project , if any other options plese provide the example code...I am using this timer delay to read from i2c device , in DSPS sps_device project ,

Implementing the Current Time Profile

Tue, 2016-05-03 17:31--jd@exp-eng.com

I could use a little help adding the Current Time Profile in SDK V5.0.3.

I have read thru the Tutorial – Developing a custom profile on DA1458x

But, rather than implementing the sample128 profile, I would like to implement the current time profile (tipc.c and tipc_task.c). The app note is very thorough but is outdated as we are using SDK5 version 5.0.3. I have also read thru the entire SDK5 Software Development Guide.

Voltage drop detection

Tue, 2016-05-03 13:10--asalhuv

I am using the DA14580 connected to my MCU which control the DIALOG MCU through the UART port.
Connected pins are Vcc, GND, P0.2 (U_TX), 0.3(U_RX) and RESET. In my solution the BLE board is connected with wires connector and I have noticed that if the Vcc wire is not connected from the start following an assembly error, the BLE won't transmit (there is still ~2.3V in VCC ,I think that from VCCdiodes which comes from P0.3 which is normally high (UART_RX) ) , can you please advise if and how I can detect it ?

Serial communication DSPS

星期二,2016-05-03 36--gert186


I'm realy fustrated with the PAN1740 Module in Case of communication.

I habe attached ohne TTL rs232 input of the RASPI to the P0.4 and P0.4 pin of the Board.

If i send via minicom of the raspi (IS the serial interface) it sends not all characters via bluetooth to my device.

it looks like this if i send a lot of "w" characters it displays on the phone like:
>>wwwwwwww>>wwwwwww>>wwwwwww>> and so on.

What I would like to do is send every thing what he gets on the RX PIN of the PAN1740 via bluetooth to the host.


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