
Limitations to using pin 1_2 and 1_3

Fri, 2016-05-27 09:04--ankitdaf


I came across a custom board design around the Da14580 which has something peculiar in it's schematic. It states that "P1_2 and P1_3 cannot be toggled when 16 MHz XTAL is" .(the last word is cut off).

Is there any restriction on using pin 1_2 and 1_3 ? Is there any special dependency on the XTAL or some other peripheral ?

I tried looking for this in the datasheet but didn't find anything

Can I safely use it in my design for I2C ?


DA14580_REMOTE_AUDIO_v_3.140.2.39 keil仿真不成功

Fri, 2016-05-27 02:19--qinhao4832

1,硬件板子应该是没问题。因为其他工程范例是可以正常运行。Jlink SW模式也是可以在keil中被识别到,没有问题。
3,点击“debug”后,错误提示“verification of application image failed.Target contents do not match!flash download not performed?”

SUOTA multi part Binary tool - Bug - debug build of mk

Fri, 2016-05-27 02:13--andrewness

The mkimage.exe application in the bin folder was compiled as a debug build. This requires the user to have Visual Studio 2010 installed, or to illegaly obtain a copy of the debug CRT DLL from somewhere else on the internet.

This can be observed by running the application on a system that does not have Visual Studio 2010 installed. You will get a dialog box like this:

Scatterfile warning

Thu, 2016-05-26 17:19--ankitdaf


I am using the barebone project and I wanted to make some changes to arch_main , so I made a copy of it in my project, removed the SDK file from the Keil project structure and added mine.
I get the following warning message when creating the build.

Is this important ? How can I fix it ? The code seems to work when in debug mode

.\..\..\..\..\..\sdk\common_project_files\scatterfiles\scatterfile_common.sct(490): warning: L6314W: No section matches pattern arch_main.o(BLE_exchange_memory).


Thu, 2016-05-26 07:53--chenhui



External PAN1740 FIrmware upload

Thu, 2016-05-26 03:01--gayan_gamage

- Can you use a Basic dev kit to program a external pan1740 beacon unit?
- I hooked up as attached and the could not detect the device in debug for port SW or JTAG to program. tried on two modules
- Pls have a look at the attached for the pin connection
- Do I have to acquire another different kit
- SPI flash was not connected yet, I wanted to port the code to the sram of the chip and jtag interface I think is sufficient
-Whats wrong here


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