
DA9053 USB charging - by alternative 5V source

Wed, 2020-03-25 14:12--jeremye


I'd like to use the VBUS input to charge the main battery from a 5V source that isn't USB compliant ( DC_IN is already committed) at a charge rate of at least 1A. This 5V source does not have the D+, D- connections and therefore the DA9053 cannot automatically determine the source's capability. Will the DA9053 allow charging from VBUS at arbitrary charging rate if the D+, D- inputs are unconnected ? Or, perhaps, is there a way of tieing these inputs to make the DA9053 allow it?

DA9063 goes to NO POWER Mode when whatchdog times out

Fri, 2020-03-20 12:49--borgebjo

I have a Digi ConnectCore6 SBC, which uses the DA9063 PMIC. I have successfully set up Linux kernel and watchdog daemon to use the DA9063 watchdog. However, the DA9063 powers off instead of resetting the DA9063.

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Thu, 2020-03-19 05:52--danielzhang


我在使用SDK时,发现在ble_app_security中,不修改任何参数的情况下,进入debug后,手机上LightBlue可以搜寻到DLG-SECURITY。但是点击连接时,未发现有输入密码的选项。检查UART口后发现在user_periph_setup.c中,对于UART2的定义口有问题,修改为GPIO_PORT 0 和GRIO_PIN 5以后,仍然无法在PC上检测到窗口数据,连接时也不要求输入密码。



DA14580+SPI Flash在进入extended sleep mode后功耗降不下来

Thu, 2020-03-19 01:53--dialoger

程序直接用smartsnippets 烧录到flash中 flash型号为w25x20cl,与14580连接的引脚为默认0 3 5 6,进入睡眠模式后 测量到整体的工作电流为2400uA.使用另外一个不带flash的板子测试,将程序debug到ram中测试,进入睡眠模式电流在1.4uA左右,好像这个功耗都是spi flash 的。看到有说要调用flash power down的来关闭flash,但是不是说进入睡眠模式就会关闭外设吗?我这里该怎么操作呢?板子是我自己做的,最简外围设备,使用一个16M晶振,lower power clk使用RCX20.谢谢!


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