
How to make da14580 spi flash sleep

Tue, 2016-08-02 07:48--Mayank

Hi ..
We have a problem with da14580 spi flash.
We set SPI FLASH high .But when da14580 goes into sleep mode it set spi flash power low and it consume 3V of power. Now what i want that once da14580 bring code into RAM it has to set spi flash high . so that it can't consume power . How can we do it ??


How to config the SPI communication with an external sensor, such as mpu6500

Tue, 2016-08-02 06:11--wenkangl

Hi Dialog,

I am trying to use the DA14580 DK_BASIC with mpu6500, the 3d-accelerometer and gyroscope. I want to use the SPI configuration to connect the sensor with DA14580, however, it seems spi does not work. (If it works, when I read the WHOAMI register, the output should be 0x70, but now I only got 0xff!)

Custom service 2 problem

Mon, 2016-08-01 09:32--bensalemsaif


I have a project with custom service 1 , and now I want to add a new service, so since custom service 2 is already there, I just added it to my project, but when I disable custom 1 and enable only custom 2 , I could not see it when connecting with my nRF Connect application, and if I enable both custom 1 and custom 2 , connection takes a long time in service discovering then the device is disconnected.


Mon, 2016-08-01 08:12--Stone_wang

参考文档:@@AN-B-020_v1.2_End product testing and programming guidelines.pdf
1.使用Jlink烧写cust_prod_test_ES5.hex (Dialog 原厂提供)。
4.使用jlink烧写programer_ES5.bin(Dialog 原厂提供)。
5.使用Jlink烧写Custom Code hex file(即我们开发的应用程序)。
7.烧写OTP Header。
1、在第三步,得到了晶振校准值,可以先加上6.8v 直接烧写如OTP吗? 然后6.8v一直不断开,直到烧写CustomCode.hex 跟OTP Header 后才断开6.8v。 这样可以吗?


Mon, 2016-08-01 04:04--randyzhou

目前我们在i2c上外挂了一个gsensor传感器,而gsensor 的计步想通过中断的方式(有步数就会发出中断)去计步,但是在调试的过程中发现,配置了CFG_EXT_SLEEP这个宏之后,gpio的中断没有响应,请问是什么问题,有没有什么解决办法

OTP loader/memory usage

Sun, 2016-07-31 00:39--NScherdin

I have two questions about the OTP memory.

1. How does the OTP rom loader know where to load the OTP memory on bootup? For example the Secondary Booloader is loaded to RetRAM(according to the Secondary Bootloader documentation) while a standalone application is loaded to SysRAM. Perhaps the OTP is loaded into SysRAM and then the Secondary Boorloader loads itself into RetRAM?


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