
Unable to add service via GATTM_ADD_SVC_REQ message

Wed, 2020-04-15 02:25--chenpenglai

I'm using ble_examples\ble_app_peripheral project of the SDK

I treid via sending the GATTM_ADD_SVC_REQ message to add a new service, as follows :

step0 struct gattm_add_svc_req * req = KE_MSG_ALLOC(GATTM_ADD_SVC_REQ,TASK_ATTM,TASK_APP,gattm_add_svc_req); req-> task_id = TASK_APP; req-> total_size = 36; // 16 + 19 +1 req-> nb_att_uuid_16 = 2; req-> nb_att_uuid_32 = 0; req-> nb_att_uuid_128 = 1; req->start_hdl=0; ke_msg_send(req);

How to use SEGGER RTT view - no IDE

Mon, 2020-04-13 16:55--daleonpz


I'm trying to make SEGGER RTT work. I'm using CMake to compile my application on Ubuntu.

I added `#include SEGGER_RTT.h` to `main.c`. In main() I call `SEGGER_RTT_Init()` and then I just do a while loop with `SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0, "HELLO \n");`

In my `custom_config_qspi.h` I added `#define CONFIG_RTT 1`.

I also added the SEGGER_RTT.c and SEGGER_RTT_printf.c and SEGGER headers.

This is what I do:

- Build and flash my DA14681 microcontroller

- Grep from memory map the address of _SEGGER_RTT


Mon, 2020-04-13 01:37--游客996256132





DA9063 Programming

Thu, 2020-04-09 21:43--fkimpel

I am designing a circuit board that uses a DA9063 PMIC. In the past I used this part and a custom part was developed per our board requirements.

I had a few questions about programming:

The DA9063 documentation I have read indicates the following programming methods:

1. Evaluation kit:(for small prototype qty)

2. In Circuit Programming Volume < 30K

3. Custom Programmingfrom Dialog > 30K

Want to initially program a few blank parts using an evaluation board and socket daughter card

BSI return back high risk non-conformities related to bluetooth issue

Thu, 2020-04-09 17:16--zhangtinglu8888

I would like to seek your opinion

Our product has to comply the BSI standard, there are two high risk non-conformities related to bluetooth issue

  • 这是一个必须符合蓝牙认证
  • 我们的产品需要抓住securi就越高ty level, Security Mode2 or Mode3

The current IC we used is DA14580 sdk revision number v_5.150.2, Could you advise how to modify the SDK configuration to meet the requirement showed above?

Our project timeline is incredible tight, we are eager to get your response ASAP. Much appreciated!


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