I'm new to DA14580. Is there any example about the "app_easy_timer"? I need to set several timers together, so what kind of timer do I need? easy_timer, systick or timer0?
Thank you!
I'm new to DA14580. Is there any example about the "app_easy_timer"? I need to set several timers together, so what kind of timer do I need? easy_timer, systick or timer0?
Thank you!
Is there any solution to have not certificate bluetooth chip da14583 in our design?
I have read some articles which talks about bluetooth modules which does not need new certification.
So my question is if exist some pre-certified bluetooth module with da14583.
So far we have an externall chip antenna but what i know this design will have to be certified.
Thank you about all sollutions!
Hello Dialog,
I need a precision timeout functionality. Like several months.
I have used an app_easy_timer() with longest delay possible (5*6000-1), which is 5 minutes -10ms. Correct me if am wrong.
In my timer callback I increment my own counter and restarts the timer with app_easy_timer().
To get the highest precision I use
XTAL32 for sleep.
However, it looks to me like my timer is running 5% to fast.
Hi Dialog
Q1 : I am using DSPS project , i want my DSPS_HOST makes DSPS_DEVICE into sleep and wake up from sleep , how to do this ??
Q2 : i am having DSPS_DEVICE code running in multiple BLE devices , when DSPS_HOST scans , does scan data consist all available BLE devices or else one BLE device ??
Installed SmartSnippets_Studio_v1.2.3.588_windows.msi on d: drive. Installer runs without issues,
SmartSnippet studio does not launch but instead shows the following dialog:
"The SmartSnippets_Studio executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library"
How do I install the tools correctly?
Hi Dialog
Q1: What are the functions related to scanning and connecting to Proximity reporter using the proximity monitor project ??
Q2: where i can see the advertising data received by Proximity monior peoject while debugging ??
Thank you Dialog
Hi Dialog,
I am developing a SPI slave driver for DA14580, however, I could run it up to 250KHz. Could you guys give me some suggestion on how to make it faster? Thanks a lot.
Init function:
I am running a small TFT LCD display on SPI from DA14580 - SPI clock running @8MHz, and I am trying to send data over SPI to display. I observed that in a stream of continous write to SPI port, there is still a gap of 4.8uSec between the two 8-bit data sent over the SPI. Actual data of 8-bit takes about 1uSec but the gap between the two data bytes is 4.8uSec and hence the complete data transfer is 5times longer than expected (i have attached the image showing the oscilloscope image)