
How to configure and use both UART1 and UART2 at runtime

Tue, 2016-11-08 17:45--kqtrinh

I have a need to use both UART1 and UART2 at runtime with the DSPS peripheral mode application.

Basically in our design, we will have 2 devices attaching to UART1 and UART2 serial bus. With the current DSPS source code, how UART1 and UART2 being used was determined at compile time with the CFG_PRINTF_UART2 flag. If CFG_PRINTF_UART2 is set, then UART2 driver will be used. If not, UART1 will be used to send the message to the console.

Modified the DSPS

Mon, 2016-11-07 10:17--jollyreal

Hi dialog,

I need some advice from you.

My idea is to use the DA14580 to read the voltage of a sensor and send the value through the DSPS example to a device(maybe computer or smartphone)

I had go through the adc example and successfully get the value.

now I want to send the value using the DSPS example,
1. if I want to edit the example code, which part can I modified (add in the adc function)?
2. what is the different between the DSPS example, sps_host and sps_device?

I am new to these things, really appriciate if you can reply, Thank you

PLT Software generated customer specifc field

Fri, 2016-11-04 08:58--ViSt

I am trying to generate a random 128-bit uuid for each DUT and burn to the OTP header using the software generated customer specific field for the GUI and then log to a file.

I read in the user manual that I should change the gplt_sw_customer_field function, I activated info printouts to verify that the function was actually called but it didn't appear. When is the function actually supposed to be called? I have enabled the checkbox.

SmartBond-CodeLess Serial Link Status

Thu, 2016-11-03 14:21--Dave.Renzo

Does anyone know what the status of this is? Dialog says to obtain the full version directly from BlueCreation but all I could find was a download link for V0.3 of the demo version. I can't find any other reference to this product on their site. What is the status of this product? Is there an actual full version that is production ready? Who do I talk to at BlueCreation about pricing and availability?


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