
power of Minimum system in active mode

Sun, 2017-01-22 01:58--z0806020433


Hardware system conditions: the smallest system, nothing more than other chips.
Software system conditions: debug mode, active mode
Average current: the average current is about 600uA, and the average current is about 20uA when the low power mode is turned on

I would like to ask the DA14580 debugging mode in active mode, how much the average current could be? 600uA is high.


Sun, 2017-01-22 01:52--z0806020433

平均电流: 测试的平均电流在600uA左右, 开启低功耗后平均电流为20uA左右

请问DA14580调试模式工作在激活模式下,平均电流做到到多少? 这里我测试的是600uA左右,偏高了。


Can the DA14580 works as peripheral or a observer time shareing

Sun, 2017-01-22 01:50--chris0409

HI, Dialog engineers,
I have the requirement that the device works as a peripheral and a observer time shareing, Is that possible.
I need a button press to change the role of device. It can be connected by the App ,and if I press the button ,it will work as a observer and collect advertising packets from other peripheral.

Details for DA14580 Development Kit - Basic ?

Fri, 2017-01-20 10:23--RatheeshT

I have planned to purchase "DA14580 Development Kit - Basic" before that i have one question.
Which DA14850 core product will be there in DA14850 DEV kit -basic? i.e (DA14850 -WL-CSP34 or DA14850- QFN40 or DA14850-QFN48 )
what will be in connector J10 and J11?
Please explain what is the use of J10 &J11 connectors?
I have understand the below also
WL-CSP34 has 12 GPIO
QFN40 has 24 GPIO
QFN48 has 32 GPIO


Fri, 2017-01-20 01:21--gwjgwgshxd

h: /程序文件(x86) / gcc -手臂没有eabi - 5 - _4 - 2016 q3-20160926-win32/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lE:/WorkFile/workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio/SDK/DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.5.885/projects/dk_apps/demos/pxp_reporter/config/GT24L24A2Y.lib
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Tx via UART maximum rate DA14580

Thu, 2017-01-19 16:26--Avouaill


I'm using a DA14580, and I'm trying to send a lot of data (around 12k bytes). The MCU is sending the samples via UART to the BLE at 115200bauds. The thing is that the BLE stop transmitting after a while and doesn't send everything.

If I put a for loop to wait a little bit between each transmission from the MCU to the BLE it's working but it's too slow.

So i wonder what's the maximum baudrate I can use for the UART to send continuously data without the for loop?
Or do I have to implement something else in the DA14580 code to make it work properly?


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