
How can I change the device name in scan response during runtme

Wed, 2017-02-22 13:28--jknorr

The BLE device in my application (based on DSPS) reads the device name from a host connected to the UART. The read operation is started on starup and takes a few seconds. The device name is read in the functions app_easy_gap_non_connectable_advertise_start_create_msg() and app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start_create_msg() in app.c so far I am correct. It seems to me, that these functions are only called once during initialization. Is there any way to set or change the device name for the scan response after the initialization?

Thanks for your help.

DSPS example & SPI flash and external processor SPI help?

Wed, 2017-02-22 09:30--RatheeshT

Hi Dialog,

我正在使用DA14580 Pro套件,我想从外部SPI闪光灯执行SPS示例代码,但这里UART TX引脚和SPI MISO引脚位于I / O引脚(P0_5)。
To read the binary file from flash memory and transmit data , P0_5 pin is required.

I can reconfigure that pin from SPI to UART as a software part but it was connected by jumper in the H/W..

And i removed jumper manually and connect it to UART , surely UART tx functionality will get missed.

Authentication using challenge-response scheme

Tue, 2017-02-21 15:10--razp


Our device is a source of information that we want to share with the user in our mobile application, however we would like to own the information and not let 3rd party write another mobile app and get the device information. For this purpose Bluetooth define a "Secure" challenge-response authentication: Both sides need to know some secret string and only if both are satisfied that the other side "know" the secret a connection will be permitted.

We use SPS profile to transmit the information to our mobile app.

Question regarding Glucose Profile RACP

Tue, 2017-02-21 14:40--Fernando Effting

My question is about the Record Access Control Point characteristic. Its purpose is to make a sensor aware that the collector wants some data, i.e. report stored records, among other OP codes.
我的问题是:传感器只能send data to collector uppon the reception of a RACP operation, or this characteristics is only used to sinalize the code in the sensor to take some desired action the programer wants it to?

Glucose collector strange behavior

Mon, 2017-02-20 13:47--Fernando Effting

I have been following the DSPS Host demo in order to implement the collector side of the Glucose Profile. The sensor side works fine, as I am able to connect to it using an Android smartphone.
I can tell that the sensor and the collector connect to one another by using an Android scanner, where I can see that the sensor stopped advertising. When I turn off the collector, it starts advertising again.


Sun, 2017-02-19 07:53--doman



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