
regarding ipsp

Tue, 2017-04-04 09:19--meriororen

Hi Dialog,

I know that DA14580-01 (the one packaged in Murata Type ZY) comply with Bluetooth 4.2 core specification (Mandatory features).
I have seen the Qualification Listing of DA14580-01 in Bluetooth SIG website. In order that IPSP (Internet Protocol Support Profile) to be supported,
link layer must implement Credit Based Flow Control. I don't know where I am supposed to look in Qualification Listings, so I figured
it's faster to ask here in the forum.

TL;博士,蓝牙堆栈DA14580-01或哒1458x in general supports IPSP profile?

Can arbitrary UUID is set after starting FW?

星期一,2017-04-03 14:46--Teruyuki Nomura

I wan't to set arbitrary uuid .

I want to change the service uuid, depending on the parts connected to the CPU.
For example, if i2c 9 axis sensor implementation, 0000-0000-0000-0001.
if i2c ADC sensor implementation, 0000-0000-0000-0002.

I tried changing the service uuid and the characteristic uuid of CUSTS1 profile for testing.

Below is the code for testing.

prf_init_func / prf_utils.c / line1465

DIS (Device ID Service) profile failed on Bluetooth PTS test - IEEE 11073-21601 Regulatory Certification Data List

Mon, 2017-04-03 14:18--uta_lc

Dear Dialogue Support,

Regarding Bluetooth PTS test - IEEE 11073-21601 Regulatory Certification Data List, I can see that in "sdk/ble_stack/profiles/dis/diss/diss.h" , that field has been set by the SDK profile code with 0 length. Using this default set up, it fails PTS test.

Is this field mandatory for passing the DIS profile?

Based on your experience, is DIS profile mandatory for passing the BLuetooth SIG certification? Is it possible to have a custom DIS profile which does not support all the DIS fields?


Unable to read all SPI memory contents.

Mon, 2017-04-03 12:56--Bharath

When I tried to read SPI flash data contents using Smartsnippets CLI tool, the maximum I can read was 43008.
"SmartSnippets.exe -type spi -chip da14580-01 -jtag 480056066 -firmware jtag_programmer.bin -cmd read -file spidata.txt -length 43008"

How can i read the full data contents of the Flash?


About Bluetooth Qualification & Declaration

Mon, 2017-04-03 10:02--Hideaki Sago

Hi Dialog team,

We intend to declare Bluetooth in order to sell Bluetooth products we developed.

Please answer the following questions.
1. We made changes based on the ble_app_sleepmode included in the SDK.
Are the Profiles used in this sample only Device Information and Custom Profile? Are you using other profiles?

Is the profile QDID 56907?
It is 4.1, but is there no 4.2?

DA1468x Pro Dev Reset

Mon, 2017-04-03 01:54--Michael_Johnston

I was loading one of the demo projects to the DA1468x Pro development board and got an error message "could not connect to device. " Then the green led in the lower right corner just above "J-link" started blinking rapidly. Is there a way to factory reset the board? I've tried the rests and removing and reconnecting power?


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