
DSPS dropping bytes when extended sleep is enabled

Thu, 2017-05-11 20:39--Dave.Renzo

Hi All,

I am using the SDK 5 version of DSPS and have a problem of it dropping bytes when extended sleep is enabled. I am transfering 1024 bytes to the da14580 from another micro via uart with hardware flow control enabled. It works great if default sleep mode is set to off but when extended sleep is enabled I start losing bytes in the transfer. Usually it's only 1 or 2, sometimes it's 10 - 15. Does anyone have any thoughts on what the problem could be? Thanks.

IrDa Application Help

Thu, 2017-05-11 20:31--Krixen

With the SDK5.0.4 I am trying to use UART2 to transmit IrDa through a IR transceiver and am having trouble setting it up.

What is the procedure? I have only changed two things:

1) Changed this line: GPIO_ConfigurePin(UART2_GPIO_PORT, UART2_TX_PIN, OUTPUT, PID_UART2_IRDA_TX, false); //changed to IRDA

2) Changed this: SetWord32(UART2_MCR_REG, UART_AFCE|UART_RTS|0x40); // |0x40 sets UART_SIRE bit to 1.

Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks!

Extended Sleep on custom PCB

Thu, 2017-05-11 10:22--aparna.anand


We have a custom PCB with DA14580 in Buck Mode Configuration with only XTAL16. Here BLE app is loaded via SPI when main microcontroller reset happens
and some sensor data to be transmitted via BLE is send over UART from main microcontroller. As I understand only extended sleep is possible in this with
#define CFG_LP_CLK LP_CLK_RCX20 and variable app_default_sleep_mode=ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON. From BLE android app, during scan, device is visible.
But on initiating connection, further connection is lost and device name is no longer listed.

how to know which service is active

Thu, 2017-05-11 02:33--Tony Poon

Dear Supports,
SDK 5.0.3:
Now my DA14580 project has used Custom1 Server(custs1) and Custom2 Server(custs2). And our iOS software has 2 versions to receive data from DA14580, one only use to connect CUSTS1 service, another to CUSTS2 service.
1. When DA14580 on connection has done, How to get the message which server is active now?
2. When DA14580 runs default_app_on_connection() or default_app_on_db_init_complete(), We can get the message now?


Deep Sleep Mode Help

Wed, 2017-05-10 13:48--Krixen


I am programming the DA14580 for a project. For now, I am ONLY using the DA14580 as a microcontroller and leaving the bluetooth for later.

I have everything working the way I want except I cannot figure out how to put the DA14580 into deep sleep mode (and have it wake-up from a time-out)

I want my device to come on twice a day (~12 hour sleep) and take measurements on wake-up (for about 15 minutes)

Is there an application note on this or can someone help?


Mechanism to block DA14580 to receive GATT read/write response from a controller

Wed, 2017-05-10 13:33--dhrishi


We have a peripheral solution in which DA14580 is connected over UART to our microcontroller. DA14580 queries the controller for the values of characteristics for GATT read/write requests from the central.
We catch the read (ATTS_READ_REQ_IND) and write (GATTC_WRITE_CMD_IND) events in user_catch_rest_hndl()
Is there a mechanism using which we can block till we get the response from the controller over UART for the read or write request and then send the response from user_catch_rest_hndl()

DA14580 DSPS5 的一些问题,请帮助看一下

Tue, 2017-05-09 02:35--dragonzhangcl

Hi dialog:

目前用DA14580 DSPS5 开发了一款产品, 遇到以下的问题, 还请Dialog看一下:

我们的设计架构是 HOST Cpu + DA14580

主机Cpu负责数据采集,处理,然后把数据通过uart 送给DA14580( 有流控 RTS/CTS),

DA14580收到uart数据,通过BLE 传输给手机. 速率 4.8KB/s

1: DSPS工程开启app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON 后, 手机端收到的数据大概率丢包. 设置 ARCH_SLEEP_OFF后,
数据可以稳定, 但是连续传输30~40分钟后, 手机收不到数据. DA14580的RTS off, 不再接收Host的数据,连接还在, 这时手机断开重新连接后,又可以传输数据,

2: DSPS 能不能控制固定几个ms 连接一次, 一次连接中固定发送几个包? 在哪部分的code中可以修改?

3: DA14580 有概率出现,上电后,程序不能运行, 10次中有1~2次的样子, 问题可能出在哪里?

HardFault 问题

Tue, 2017-05-09 02:24--Stone_wang

SDK 3.0.6,该工程为主机、从机一体模板,
作为主机,按下P06,自动搜索名称为'J' 'e' ' ' 'J' 'o''u''e' 的设备,并连接 并发现特性值可以进行数据通信,但一旦断开连接(从机端掉电等方式),系统跑到
gapc_disconnect_ind_handler ,如下方式进行复位,:

struct gapm_reset_cmd* cmd = KE_MSG_ALLOC(GAPM_RESET_CMD, TASK_GAPM, TASK_APP,gapm_reset_cmd);
cmd->operation = GAPM_RESET;
按照文档:Training_08_debugging_v1.0.pdf 找到如附件的位置,但是对应不到代码中的区域,不知道怎么解决进入Hardfault 的问题。

UART higher baudrate

Tue, 2017-05-09 01:13--kqtrinh


the higher baudrate support in the uart.h are commented out as of SDK 5.04 as below:

/// Divider for 921600 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_921K6 tbd
/// Divider for 460800 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_460K8 tbd
/// Divider for 230400 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_230K4 tbd2

如果我想使用任何这些更高的波特率,is it possible?



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