
LED blinking and hanlder on wake up from sleep

Wed, 2017-06-07 17:36--JBaczuk


I am working on DA14580 BLE with basic kits.
There are two LED connected on board. I blinked led using timer handler and control intensity using PWM.
After this I have modified code for sleep and wake from button (GPIO inerrupt) as per below link of forum that I posted.

DSPS PAN1740 and UART Problems

Tue, 2017-06-06 06:26--gert186

I would like to program a connection UART over Bluetooth as fast as possible. It Works real good but now my problems.
According to the manual of connect two PAN1740 I disabled the HW Flow control and enabled the SW flow control. They connect to each other.
The PAN1740 are directly connected to ATMEL controllers who makes the work.
The Problem is: I programed an Receive Interrupt on one Atmel and the Bluetooth module (PAN1740) always sends nonsense Data to the Atmel and the Interrupt happens every time.


Mon, 2017-06-05 16:13--Teruyuki Nomura

Hi, Dialog support team.

I have two questions about the task of the kernel.

Q1. If I create a single task which is a longer processing time than the connection interval, will it be disconnected?

Q2. Packet transmission / reception on connection intervals is the processing the link layer registered to the kernel as a task?

Please reply.

Best Regards.

Characteristic without database backup

Mon, 2017-06-05 10:14--meriororen


Is it possible to have a characteristic, say for example, written (ATT_CHAR_PROP_WR) characteristic which has value length of 0 in the database?
If I get a write a GATT_WRITE_CMD_IND with param->length and param->value, is this stored in the database, or is it stored somewhere else? I noticed that
in profile's task handler (e.g. custom server), gatt_write_cmd_ind will call attmdb_att_set_value to update the value on the database.. I am assuming that
the param->value from GATT_WRITE_CMD_IND message is actually stored somewhere else.

ADC on P0_1 can't get correct value

Sat, 2017-06-03 03:48--Oliver_Zero

Hi Dialog,

I am using P0_1 for ADC to get the battery voltage of Lithium Battery. Known that the range of Lithium battery is 3.58V-4.15V. So, I use a voltage divider circuit to measure the voltage. But, I can only get a very low voltage on the point between two series resistors which attached to P0_1. When I cut off the lead, the voltage become correct.

I will attache the circuit and measurements.


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