
和之间的双向通信roid DSPS and DSPS v5.150.2 Sample Code

Fri, 2017-06-23 13:35--gturnipseed720

Hi there. I'm trying to get your SPS sample code to work correctly, but I'm having trouble. I'm using the DA1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2 sample code downloaded from your website loaded onto a DA14580 base (not pro) dev kit, and I'm talking to the DSPS app on my Android phone. I can get the dev kit to broadcast, and the phone can pair to it. I can then type on the computer and see the text show up on my phone; however, when I type on my phone, no text shows up on the computer. Am I doing something wrong, or is the sample code not designed to do that?

Thank you,
-Greg Turnipseed

I2C Multi-Master Mode

Fri, 2017-06-23 12:41--dxwemat

Hi MT_Dialog,

I'm studying the I2C-Controller and cant find any configuration for Multi-Master Mode.

I just can switch between SLAVE and MASTER.

static const i2c_config cfg = {
.mode = HW_I2C_MODE_SLAVE,
.addr_mode = HW_I2C_ADDRESSING_7B,

Is it possible to configure the Controller with Multi-Master Mode?


Timer about val1

Fri, 2017-06-23 07:15--DMueller

Dear MT_dialog,

i use the example program "ble_app_peripheral". Now i want to use the characteristik "val 1" without the activation about the characteristic "Control Point".

1. I made it, that the timer is function independently from the "Control Point". But the value show still, if i send a "0x01" via the characteristic "Control Point". What must i do, that i can use the notification for "val1" without the activiation about "Control Point"?


Fri, 2017-06-23 01:50--Stone_wang

Hi,dialog采用sdk5.0.4,单独执行blink工程芯片能正常debug,但是使用ble示例工程无法debug,发现跑到rwip_init(error)这句往下执行 jlink就连接不上芯片了,keil就报错。
我采用的芯片是 da14580 qfn48 封装的,
另:我用qfn40封装的da14580 debug ble示例工程能正常执行(源码是同个工程)。采用qfn48封装的做了两块,仍然是同样的结果。



Thu, 2017-06-22 21:55--kqtrinh

Hi Dialog Engineer,

I am using the DSPS application firmware as my baseline code to start with.
I have a DA communicating with an external MCU via the UART line. This UART is setup at a baudrate of 56.7kbps.

I have implemented two functions to send data across from the DA to the external MCU.

Function 1:
- Upon DA powers up, this function reads from Flash and downloads the external MCU firmware over this UART line. This function is working consistently 100% since the external MCU can actually spin up and run with its firmware. Here is the code:

iOS 10之间的断开过程不同nd iOS 9.

Thu, 2017-06-22 02:00--y-takamine

1. issue a connection request (Connection Request) from iOS.
2. the peripheral issues a Connection Request Indication.
3. Issue a disconnect process from the peripheral.
In iOS 9 it will be identified as disconnected and disconnected immediately.
However, iOS 10 identifies it as timeout and takes time to disconnect.
Is this a problem with iOS?
Is it a problem on the peripheral side?


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