
Setting the MAC address from NVPARAM

Fri, 2017-08-18 15:30--dsandbue

Hello there,

first of all, thank you very much for your help and effort in this forum, your support is truly outstanding.

I'm working with the pxp-reporter demo (SUOTA enabled) as the basis, and I've developed an application with it that I now want to test on about 100 DA14680s. I will give every device a unique MAC address via the program_qspi_nvparam-script.

DA 14580 ADC reads wrong results

Fri,2017-08-18 03:14--Joyyqy

Hi Dialog experts,

我正在使用DA14580 IOT板,我自己的定制。我想修改鼠标示例项目,以便鼠标可以随着电路板两个引脚的电压电平的变化而移动(这两个引脚连接到像游戏手套或其他东西上的摇杆一样)。


Time between user_sps_client_data_tx_cfm_handler and actual TX?

Thu, 2017-08-17 20:08--mark.bloechl

I've got a project based off of the DSPS example, and on the central device I was wondering: what is the length of time between user_symble_client_data_tx_cfm_handler firing and the data actually being sent over the air? I've noticed that if I have a breakpoint in the handler (or if my code disconnects too soon after the handler fires) my message is not received by the peripheral. I'm OK putting a short delay after that handler, but I just need to know what I should set it to to ensure the message is sent.

Duplicate filter not always working

Thu, 2017-08-17 19:45--mark.bloechl

I've got the DA14580 configured as a central and I'm noticing that I'll occasionally get more than one advertisement from the same peripheral, even with the duplicate filter enabled. Any idea why this could be happening?
Further details: I'm only scanning for about 100ms (my peripherals are advertising at a very high rate to ensure they'll be seen), and there's currently about 1 second between scans. For this application, it's important I only get one advertisement from each peripheral each scan, and I'd rather not have to implement my own dupe filter if I can help it.

ZOR Antenna Examples

Thu, 2017-08-17 19:22--svbutton

Hi Support,


Also, what are the GND plate requirements? Does the antenna care about the GND plate size? How many meters range would this ZOR antenna have?

DA14580 UART接口外部处理器

星期四,2017-08-17 10:37--Vivek


我在我的项目中使用DA14580 BLE模块(MUARATAZY或UGMZAA),

我没能找到任何用户手册的经验lains - DA14580 External processor interface over UART .
Can you please share them.

I was able to find "UM-B-013-DA14580 External processor over SPI interface", but I would like to do the same with an UART interface.

Please help.

关于Extended sleep mode + advertising,advertising时程序逻辑

Thu, 2017-08-17 08:28--昏迷

如题,DA14580可以设置为Extended sleep mode + advertising,并可自定义advertising时间间隔,设置完此模式后,进入休眠,但对于整个休眠--唤醒--广播--休眠流程一直没看明白
cmd->intv_min = adv_interval;
cmd->intv_max = adv_interval;
void BLE_WAKEUP_LP_Handler(void)
if (wakeup_lp_comp == 0)
wakeup_lp_comp = 1;

Extended sleep mode + advertising 运行一段时间后异常(无法进休眠)

Thu, 2017-08-17 06:31--昏迷

工作模式描述:软件采用Extended sleep mode + advertising,advertising时间间隔是3200*0.625ms = 2s
个人理解: Extended sleep mode + advertising模式,绝大部分工作都是SDK代码自动完成的,用户基本没什么可以操作的,也就能改下

Extended sleep mode +advertising 运行一段时间后异常(无法进休眠)

Thu, 2017-08-17 04:19--昏迷

工作模式描述:软件采用Extended sleep mode +advertising,advertising时间是3200*0.625ms = 2s
问题描述: 软件按上述模式工作,一直处在Extended sleep mode +advertising模式,中间没有唤醒过mcu,一开始程序运行正常,功耗也是
个人理解: Extended sleep mode +advertising模式,绝大部分工作都是SDK代码自动完成的,用户基本没什么可以操作的,也就能改下


Thu, 2017-08-17 02:51--Bean

I have some questions about the DA1458x_DA1468x_PLT_v_4.1.0.132 tool.
(1) Where will i find the document about this version PLT tool?
(2) Affter i finished the configuring, just like DA1458x_DA1468x_PLT_v_3.1,

What's the cause of all this?
Hope to help me solve these question, it is very urgent.
Thank you!


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