

Thu, 2017-12-07 15:06--wangfei_s


Can't get full adv & scan response packet in use DSPS host

Wed, 2017-12-06 07:02--Oliver_Zero

I use DSPS host project to make a scanner. But,I can't get a full packet in .
我有一个外围设备与27个字节长Packet. But, every time it goes to , I got 18 bytes data. Device name was cut off.

Here's the data I captured from BLE Tools:
02 01 06 07 03 0F 18 0A 18 D0 ED 13 09 45 44 44 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 --- 08 FF 44 4C 54 20 50 3A 4E
And what I get form param->report.data:
02 01 06 07 03 0F 18 0A 18 D0 ED 13 09 45 44 44 30 08

How do I get the full packet like BLE Tools get?

What is the additional power consumption of waking up from Deep-Sleep relatively to waking up from Ext-Sleep?

Tue, 2017-12-05 15:16--oren

I know that waking up from Deep-Sleep takes more time than waking up from Extended Sleep.
How much is it in units of uA*s ?
Advertising very fast is more power-efficient using Ext-Sleep, and advertising very slow is more power-efficient using Deep-Sleep.
I am trying to calculate the point of balance - at which advertising frequency the total power consumption using Ext-Sleep equals to the total power consumption using Deep-Sleep.


DA9063 : External DC/DC Converter

Mon, 2017-12-04 15:54--A. Ott


I'm working on a DA9063 Design with an additional external 3.3V Converter.
I added a attachment with a simplified Power Tree and Timing Diagram.

The external 3.3V DC/DC Converter has an Enable and a Power Good Signal.
I want that the DA9063 enables after Startup the 3.3V Enable Signal and waits until the 3.3V PG Signal is given.
After that the DA9063 should start with his own Power Sequencing.

Maximum allowed voltage on nRESET, nIRQ

Mon, 2017-12-04 12:50--Rene Straub

Dear Dialog Semi,

we use nRESET, nIRQ on VDD_IO1 with 1.8V to drive a CPU input. The signals are configured for open drain operation with a pull up to 3.3V (CPU side). From the datasheet, table 4.4 I read that the maximum allowed voltage in open drain mode is VDDREF. In our case this is 5V (Vsys).

Can you confirm the 3.3V pull up is within specification for the two signals.

Best regards

DA9063 ICT programming interface

Mon, 2017-12-04 12:39--Rene Straub


is there a standard/preferred connection for DA9063 in circuit programming. When using the eval board the connection will have to be made by a special cable. I wonder what the interface is when using the programming kit "DA9061_2_3 ICP KIT" mentioned in app note AN-PM-080 "In-Circuit Programming of DA9061/2/3".

In other words: Is there a documentation for "DA9061_2_3 ICP KIT"

Best regards


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