

Wed, 2018-01-10 08:56--Lane

Hi Dialog:
我使用SDK5.0.2.1中的ble_sleepmode例程进行ext_sleep操作,使用I / O口进行了外部唤醒时进入:
void ext_wakeup_cb(void)
如果(GetBits16 (SYS_STAT_REG PER_IS_DOWN)) {
// Return GPIO functionality from external wakeup GPIO




Wed, 2018-01-10 02:41--tanyong1126

DA14580的SPI_CTRL_REG (0x50001200)中的bit13 SPI_INT_BIT是接收中断标志位还是发送中断标志位?
如果说是发送中断标志位,那么数据还未发送完毕时此位为0,发送数据完毕即TX Register 或fifo为空时此位为1 ?

SetWord16(SPI_RX_TX_REG0, 0x0500); //写数据到SPI_RX_TX_REG0
} while (GetBits16(SPI_CTRL_REG, SPI_INT_BIT) == 0);
dataRead = GetWord16(SPI_RX_TX_REG0); //从SPI_RX_TX_REG0寄存器读数据

上述语句完成的功能是发送一个命令0x0500给外挂spi flash,flash会返回一个数据给da14580。

DA7212 No voice from ADC/DAC module

Tue, 2018-01-09 20:53--zaz


I am using ARD-AUDIO-DA7212 shield to record voice from analog Mic and output to headphones.
I can successfully output voice to headphones by bypassing ADC/DAC modules (analog only).
But when I want to pass data over ADC/DAC modules (skipping DAI output) I can't hear nothing in headphones.
I saw that when SR register set to 8, 12 or 16kHz, nothing happens.
But when I set SR register to 44.1 or 48kHz, I hear only noise from headphones.
MCLK = 12MHz
DAI = slave mode

DSPS from a sensor to a windows PC

Tue, 2018-01-09 17:43--RoniKreinin

I'm working on a project which requires me to replace a serial cable with a da14580 chip. I am using the basic development kit.

I have successfully connected the basic kit to my android phone and am able to send data back and forth, but I do not know how to do the same with a Windows 10 PC.

Any help would be appreciated.

Additionally, how would I be able to send and receive data with my own Android app, rather than with the DSPS app?

DA9061/62 Unused Pin Configuration

Tue, 2018-01-09 16:03--ED_Dialog

在耶鲁大学管理学院e applications, certain functions or features may not be required and, to minimize any potential issues with these unused functions, the pins related to them need to be configured correctly. This document provides guidance on how to configure unused connections on the DA9061/2.

Clickherefor the DA9061 Application notes:

Clickherefor the DA9062 Application notes:

Problem debuging ble_app_peripheral

Tue, 2018-01-09 08:02--Kevleo94

Hi Dialog, my name is Kevin.

So far as I am working, I was able to connect DA 14580 ( using my custom board ) to Smart Snippets,
I have succeeded to burn blinky and other peripheral code, and it's working.

The problem is when I tried to burn ble_app_peripheral , the following message which I attached in this post is appeared

For Antenna Design, I use antenna design referring to page 24 of document an-b-027.

What is causing the problem, and what is the possible mistake from our side?
Is it caused by antenna design, or what kind of fault ?


Tue, 2018-01-09 03:19--Wally

SDK5.04使用empty_peripheral_template这个工程,默认所有的PROFILE是不使用的,我在user_profiles_config.h中添加#include "diss.h"来使能DISS这个服务,为什么手机一连接就跳转到gapc_disconnect_ind_handler()这个函数。请问还要配置哪里吗。

Timer0 PWM0

Fri, 2018-01-05 11:08--Ruchi Patel

Dear Dialog_Support,

I am using timer0 pwm0 to operate and control LED brightness using timer0_set(uint16_t pwm_on, uint16_t pwm_high, uint16_t pwm_low); function. If i give timer0_set(0xFF, 0XFF, 0) then also my LED is not getting ON fully. Then i have used timer0's PWM1 then LED should fully turn OFF when i call timer0_set(0xFF, 0xFF, 0) but my LED is not going to OFF fully. LED glows at 5-10% brightness. And if i call timer0_stop function, then LED turns OFF fully. What could be the reason?


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